Official Elysa Artwork

Elysa Strathelar is the High Queen of New Aluvia, the kingdom on Dereth made up of the Aluvian Realm, Sho Nation, and Gharu'ndim Kingdom, and allied with the Lugians of Linvak Tukal, Aun Tumeroks of Timaru, and Viamontian Rebels of Silyun.

She is the mother of Borelean Strathelar, friend and ally of Asheron Realaidain, and was romantically involved with Thorsten Cragstone, then years later Antius Blackmoor. Both of her lovers were slain in combat, Thorsten by the Dereth Olthoi Queen before the age of Lifestones, and Antius by Jared Kurth who was wielding the lifestone tie severing sword, the Heartbreaker.