Introduced: | Dispatch | Related Quests: | Disturbance in the Ley Lines |
- Value: 0
- Burden: 200
- Covers Head
- Armor Level: 400 (620)
- Slashing: Average (440) (682)
- Piercing: Average (400) (620)
- Bludgeoning: Average (320) (496)
- Fire: Below Average (280) (434)
- Cold: Average (440) (682)
- Acid: Average (400) (620)
- Electric: Average (320) (496)
- Nether: Average (400) (620)
- Spells: Executor's Boon, Ar-Pei's Boon, Major Life Magic Aptitude, Major Magic Resistance, Web of Resistance, Brogard's Defiance
- Properties: Attuned, Bonded, Ivoryable
- Wield requires level 150
- Spellcraft: 400
- Mana: 2000
- Mana Cost: 1 point per 20 seconds.
- This armored mask was once a symbol of the office of Rytheran, the Dericostian lord of Menilesh.
- While this mask doesn't have a 150 level req on the mask itself, it's impossible to get the mask below 150.
- Given by Lord Rytheran in exchange for the Ring of Remembrance or on his corpse if you decide to kill him.
- You give Lord Rytheran Ring of Remembrance.
- Lord Rytheran tells you, "Ah, a keepsake from my lady love... At last, a memory that will bring me some warmth in this eternal darkness. Take this mnemosyne, and my mask of office... And go. Leave me to my memories."
- Lord Rytheran gives you Rytheran's Mnemosyne.
- Lord Rytheran gives you Visage of Menilesh.
- May be given to Zho Heishan or Lacarra Avanthi in Wai Jhou for 5% xp (caps at level 200 with 49,539,309 xp).
- You give Zho Heishan Visage of Menilesh.
- Zho Heishan tells you, "This mask is... breathtaking. It once belonged to Lord Rytheran himself? Truly a precious artifact. If you do not want it, I can grant you some practical experience for it."
- You've earned 22,392,612 experience. (Level 163)
- No ACIDs or palettes for this item could be determined with any known plugins