Related topics: Trivia
Unsolved Edit
- Does the Attuned and Bonded ToDo List found at the bottom of the Mhoire Armory go to any NPC of have some use?
- How were Quiddity Raids spawned?
- How are the doors inside the Empty Paradox Olthoi Cave and the Paradox Olthoi Refuge opened and what is behind them?
Solved Edit
- What is at the bottom of The Deep (Vissidal) behind the grate?
- One time when I logged out at the Deep on Vissidal to let the creatures run back to their spawn stop I logged back in and had slid behind the gate, the tunnel dead ends just past the fog.
- Can the Torn Mosswart Shroud be used for anything?
- Previously the shroud could be used to craft one of the Singularity Weapons, now you can apply Virindi Essence to get a Glowing Mosswart Shroud and give to one of the Broken Virindi in the Moss Chamber near Zaikhal for 5 Diamond Scarabs.
- Broken Virindi tells you, "Yes, I obey the Master. Please. If you have the Glowing Mosswart Hide, I will take it in exchange for the reward that the Master feels is appropriate."
- Broken Virindi tells you, "Here, Master wishes for you to have this."
- Broken Virindi gives you Denouement.
- You give Broken Virindi Glowing Mosswart Shroud.
- Broken Virindi tells you, "Here are the totems. Could you please tell the Master I did my job well? Please."
- Broken Virindi gives you 5 Diamond Scarabs.