Introduced: | Persuasion |
- Value: 3,000
- Burden: 10
- Properties: Bonded
- This item is used in fletching.
- This item cannot be sold.
- Recipes which call for Wrapped Bundle of Deadly Lightning Arrowheads.
- Stack Size: 100
- Combine with Wrapped Bundle of Arrowshafts to make 250 Deadly Lightning Arrows.
[[File:{{{Icon Image}}}]]
- Value: ??
- Burden: ??
- Steps:
- Use Concentrated Bloodseeker Oil on Wrapped Bundle of Arrowheads to create Wrapped Bundle of Greater Arrowheads.
- Use Concentrated Lightning Oil on Wrapped Bundle of Greater Arrowheads to create Wrapped Bundle of Greater Lightning Arrowheads.
- Use Concentrated Bloodhunter Oil on Wrapped Bundle of Greater Lightning Arrowheads to create Wrapped Bundle of Deadly Lightning Arrowheads.