July 2001 - Announcements Page
Turbine Announcements
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Release Notes
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Teaser Video of the Singularity Caul
- A introduction to the new Singularity Caul island that was added in this patch.
Town Crier Rumors
Town Crier tells you, "News! Fletchers, alchemists and cooks are now able to get hats from the Bestowers' Guild to go along with their new titles! No, I mean it this time!"
Town Crier tells you, "News! An archmage of the Explorer's Society has written a primer for newly arrived mages, to help them in their spell research efforts."
Town Crier tells you, "Finally! Now that Torvold has written his book, I don't have to answer any more questions about spell research!"
Town Crier tells you, "My cousin the archmage cast a very powerful Armor spell on me, more powerful than I've ever seen!"
Town Crier tells you, "'Tis an ill wind that blows from the southwest..."
Town Crier tells you, "My cousin the fletcher has a very nice new hat. Oh, wait, I'm supposed to call him a Master Fletcher now. Why don't I get a nice hat like his?"
Town Crier tells you, "My cousin the warrior showed me his new weapon of choice, a really nasty-looking sickle. Come to think of it, it looks a lot like a Virindi sickle..."
Town Crier tells you, "Beware the roaming Virindi death squads! Take cover!"
Town Crier tells you, "Have you got your Portal-Jumper's Guide yet?"
Town Crier tells you, "News! Powerful Life Mages all across Dereth report a breakthrough in their spellcasting powers!"
Town Crier tells you, "News! The roving correspondent F.P. has finished his Portal-Jumper's Guide to Dereth! Those who carry brochures for his book can now redeem them at Explorer's Society agents."
Town Crier tells you, "News! Travelers report that the island where Bael'Zharon once tested his warriors has been rediscovered! But no one knows what dwells there now..."
Town Crier tells you, "News! Intrepid adventurers report that a wizened old sage in a swampy garden has access to rare and highly prized dye colors!"
Town Crier tells you, "News! Brave adventurers finally freed Ayan Baqur from the clutches of the Virindi, defeating a mysterious figure known as the Inculcator to release the tormented souls of the townsfolk. Has the terror finally ended?"
Town Crier tells you, "News! The Virindi are staging lightning raids all over Dereth, their forces appearing out of nowhere and striking without warning!"
Ulgrim Rumors
Ulgrim the Unpleasant tells you, "Those new Virindi floating fortresses... you know what those are made from? Gromnatrosses! No, wait, that was them other towers... Oh yeah, the Virindi towers are made from... Orichalcum! What? You've never heard of orichalcum? You ought to get more educated, kiddo."
Ulgrim the Unpleasant tells you, "I've seen those pretty new weapons people have been carrying around... Awful nice, if you can trust a Virindi-spawned weapon not to suck out your soul through your eyes."
Ulgrim the Unpleasant tells you, "People are trying to figure out what attracts the attention of those roving Virindi death squads. Well, I'll tell you what, stout repels them. Have you noticed, they never attack me?"
Ulgrim the Unpleasant tells you, "So the Virindi and Tumeroks are moving into Osteth, are they? Figured as much, since they realized that the Direlands... belong to me."
Ulgrim the Unpleasant tells you, "I heard Claude muttering smugly about how the Virindi are masters of time and space. Great bunch of hogwash, that is. I'm the master of time and space."
Ulgrim the Unpleasant tells you, "You can bet that those Virindi are up to no good on that new island of theirs. The island I have dubbed Flying Monkey Island. Have you ever seen those Tuskers come barreling off the cliffs to land on unfortunate suckers? Ugly, and yet somehow beautiful..."
Ulgrim the Unpleasant tells you, "Has that darned white rabbit come through again? Oh, he's my archnemesis, he is..."
Ulgrim the Unpleasant tells you, "I keep seeing all these folks running past me at simply appalling speeds. Speeds beyond the ken of mortal man! Or has the booze just blurred my vision?"
Ulgrim the Unpleasant tells you, "You haven't seen the really elite legions of Tumerok warriors, have you? They strike silently in the night and kill everything in sight. And they carry a banner with my face on it, in respect for my skill and power."
New Quests
New Locations
New Items
A Portal-Jumper's Guide to DerethFile:An Apprentice's Guide to Spell Research Icon.png An Apprentice's Guide to Spell Research
Dirrich's Journal
Edicts of the Quiddity
Little Green Seeds
Relanim Plant
Colban Plant
Thananim Plant
Alchemist's Hat
Chef's Hat
Fletcher's Cap
Quiddity Ingot
Atlatl of the Quiddity
Axe of the Quiddity
Balister of the Quiddity
Blade of the Quiddity
Bow of the Quiddity
Dagger of the Quiddity
Eye of the Quiddity
Fist of the Quiddity
Lance of the Quiddity
Mace of the Quiddity
Stave of the Quiddity