Introduced: | Lonely in the World | Related Quests: | Hieromancer's Armor |
- Found on the ground in the basement library of the Ishilai Lyceum at 87.8S 49.0E. This area can only be accessed via a Lyceum Recall Gem.
- Though not particularly lightweight, despite the name, this book can be used by the player to record important in game information.
- May be examined by Eaushi the Trainer.
- You give Eaushi the Trainer Lightweight Tome.
- Eaushi the Trainer tells you, "This book was crafted by Rurinah, a member of the last class of students here. She was quite skilled in the art of parchment-making."
- Eaushi the Trainer tells you, "The process had been passed through her family for generations. She was proud to note that her grandmother had made paper for the esteemed Maila of Knorr."
- Eaushi the Trainer gives you Lightweight Tome.
- Eaushi the Trainer tells you, "This servant recalls her well - a terribly serious silver-haired girl, given to calling more lighthearted people 'fools.'"