Introduced:  Release
Vuo Nin the Barkeep
Non-Player Killer
Race Male Sho
Title Barkeeper
Location 54.5S, 72.7E in Lin
Level 6
Strength 80
Endurance 70
Coordination 70
Quickness 55
Focus 20
Self 30
Health 45
Stamina 80
Mana 45

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Vuo Nin the Barkeep tells you, "Welcome to The Pine and Fir. I know it's not the Festival of Lights, but I thought the lanterns made my humble establishment look more hospitable."

Buying From

Vuo Nin the Barkeep tells you, "A fine purchase."

Selling To

Vuo Nin the Barkeep tells you, "Superb. I can probably resell this."


Vuo Nin the Barkeep tells you, "Thank you, and take care."