Abia Bint Huda the Archmage

Revision as of 23:34, 30 January 2016 by (talk)
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Introduced:  The Changing of the Ways
Abia Bint Huda the Archmage
Non-Player Killer
Race Female Gharu'ndim
Title Archmage
Location 23.3N, 28.7W inside Danby's Outpost
Level 18
Strength 105
Endurance 80
Coordination 40
Quickness 50
Focus 150
Self 180
Health 135
Stamina 190
Mana 275

Notes Edit

  • Route: Zaikhal > Northwest to Danby's Outpost portal (16.6N 1.6W)
  • See Archmage for other similar shopkeepers.
  • Buys at 80%, sells at 170%.
  • no gold, pyreals or plats

Currency Edit

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Dialog Edit


Abia bint Huda the Archmage tells you, "I do hope that we draw a few people to this place, I'd hate to let Zisaha down."

Buying From

Abia bint Huda the Archmage tells you, "Excellent. I truly hope it serves you well."

Selling To

Abia bint Huda the Archmage tells you, "I think I can put that to use, I thank you."


Abia bint Huda the Archmage tells you, "May you be blessed in your travels."