Scarecrow (House Item)

Revision as of 03:19, 23 November 2014 by (talk) (clean up and re-categorisation)
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Introduced:  Dance of the Dead
  • Value: 500
  • Burden: 400
  • This item can be used on Floor and Yard hooks.
  • This item cannot be sold.
  • A [see below] looking Scarecrow used to scare monsters away from your house.

Suspicious Scarecrow Edit

Rickety Scarecrow Edit

Shady Scarecrow Edit

Shifty Scarecrow Edit

Notes Edit

You fit the Jack o' Lantern onto the Scarecrow Stand to make a suspicious looking Scarecrow.

You fit the Jack o' Lantern onto the Scarecrow Stand to make a rickety looking Scarecrow.

You fit the Jack o' Lantern onto the Scarecrow Stand to make a shady looking Scarecrow.

You fit the Jack o' Lantern onto the Scarecrow Stand to make a shifty looking Scarecrow.