Dapper Suit

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Introduced:  Waking from the Abyss Related Quests:  Noir Assassination Investigation
Dapper Suit
  • Value: 5,000
  • Burden: 500
  • Covers Chest, Abdomen, Upper Arms, Lower Arms, Hands, Upper Legs, Lower Legs, Feet
  • Armor Level: 20
  • Slashing: Poor (2)
  • Piercing: Poor (2)
  • Bludgeoning: Poor (2)
  • Fire: Poor (2)
  • Cold: Poor (2)
  • Acid: Poor (2)
  • Electric: Poor (2)
  • Nether: Average (20)
  • This item cannot be sold.
  • A suit designed by the Gharu'ndim tailor, Xuut. The fibers of the suit look as though they could withstand the dyeing process.
Dapper Suit dyed blue with Crimped Hat

Notes Edit

  • The shirt takes on the color of the undershirt. With Viamontian Shirts, the result is not one color, but a sort of tie-dye effect (see image to the right)
  • The Crimped Hat goes with this suit.
  • The Dapper Suit is a severe anachronism in that this is a modern form of fashion in a medieval game. As of Portal Year 20, the Isparian Calendar is RC 1296. Virtually all other technologies on Dereth are that of approximately 13th century Earth, so it goes without saying that the Isparian year parallels the Earth year in societal and technological advancement. As Dapper Suits became common during Earth's Prohibition Era, this form of fashion should not be coming along for at least another 620 years in Ispar or Dereth. It is probable, however, that Xuut cast a spell to see a vision of the future, and from there, was his inspiration to create the otherwise futuristic Dapper suits.
  • Additionally, seeing as Dereth has no correlation with Earth or "The Real World" what comes into fashion during which time period has absolutely no bearing whatsoever. There is nothing sociological in the times that might prevent the sudden sweep of "dapper suits" into fashion.
Original Palette for Dapper Suit
ACID Name Sample Hex
5814 DapperSuit 3A3977 (212044)
The sample is only an approach of how the item looks ingame.
See User:Sanddh/Guides/Armor Color Table for other available palettes.
  • When dyed, the suit's main color changes to a rather dark shade of the color. Fail-dyeing results in a dark shade of orange. The tie changes color too. The palettes only reflect the main color, not the color of the tie.
Dyed Dapper Suit

(Light Blue)

(Dark Blue)


(Mint Green)






Known Palettes for dyed Dapper Suit
ACID Name Sample Hex
5817 DapperLapyan 0B4155
5824 DapperColban 14349A
5821 DapperVerdalim 2E570B
5823 DapperMinalim 0B5438
5818 DapperRelanim 3D0B54
5816 DapperThananim 222222
5819 DapperHennacin 560B0B
5822 DapperArgenory 636363
5815 DapperBerimphur 55550B
5820 DapperFail 955E00
The sample is only an approach of how the item looks ingame.
See User:Sanddh/Guides/Armor Color Table for other available palettes.