Fiun Healing Machine Quest

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Fiun Healing Machine Quest
Level: 70
Type: Solo
Starts With: Scorus
Starts At: 87.5N, 70.3W in Silyun
Repeat: 20 Hours
Contracts: Contract for Fiun Healing Machine


This quest takes you all over the Halaetan Islands, with a little trip to K'nath Lair. It involves retrieving different items from different dungeons, and keys to unlock doors in the next dungeon.

Walkthrough & Notes

  1. Speak to Scorus to receive the Healing Machine Recipe and A Message from Scorus.
  2. Travel to Small Empyrean Vault at 80.4N, 74.0W.
    1. Route: Run from Silyun.
    2. Hang left and retrieve the Small Empyrean Key and portal recall.
    3. Hang right, and use the Key on an Iron Door.
    4. Go to the room North, and use either Lockpick or a Sturdy Iron Key to open the Old Chest to retrieve the Lavus.
  3. Travel to the Remote Empyrean Vault at 81.7N, 71.2W.
    1. Route: Run from Silyun.
    2. Make your way to the Old Chest.
    3. Use lockpick or a Sturdy Iron Key to retrieve the Tihn.
  4. Travel to the Hidden City at 94.4N, 70.0W.
    1. Route: Run from Silyun.
    2. Make your way to the Old Chest.
    3. Use lockpick or a Sturdy Iron Key to retrieve the Healing Machine Pedestal
  5. Travel to the Frozen Library at 90.7N, 56.4W.
    1. Route: Travel southeast from Fiun Outpost, head up the cliff at 93.6N, 54.5W.
    2. Retrieve the Ruschk Iceberg Key.
  6. Travel to the Ruschk Iceberg at 96.3N, 60.0W.
    1. Route: Run from Fiun Outpost.
    2. Make your way through the dungeon to the door and unlock it with the Ruschk Iceberg Key.
    3. Jump down the pit, and travel further through the dungeon until you see another Old Chest.
    4. Use lockpick or Sturdy Iron Key to unlock the Old Chest to retrieve the Healing Machine Hook.
  7. Travel to the K'nath Lair at 49.7S, 56.3W.
    1. Route: Take the East Direlands Swamp near Dryreach at 8.1S, 74.5E.
    2. Make your way to the bottom and use the portal to the Greater K'nath Lair.
    3. Pick the door to your left, keep hanging left, and retrieve the Runic Skull.
  8. Travel to the Undead Temple at 90.9N, 43.2W.
    1. Route: From Eastwatch, head to the nearby portal at 90.9N, 43.2W.
    2. Make your way to the Runic Door Guardian.
    3. Hand him your Runic Skull and go into the larger room.
    4. Retrieve the Healing Machine Orb from the Old Chest
  9. Travel back to Scorus, and assemble the parts as mentioned in the Healing Machine Recipe.
  10. Hand him the Fiun Healing Machine for your rewards.

Dungeons & Maps

Dungeon Coordinates Wiki Map ACmaps
Small Empyrean Vault 80.4N, 74.0W -- 01FE
Remote Empyrean Vault 81.7N, 71.2W -- 0001
Hidden City 94.4N, 70.0W -- 02D6
Frozen Library 90.7N, 56.4W -- 02FE
Ruschk Iceberg 96.3N, 60.0W -- 02DE
K'nath Lair 49.7S, 56.3W -- 0193
Greater K'nath Lair 49.7S, 56.3W -- 0193
Undead Temple 90.9N, 43.2W -- 03A5






Opening Dialog

Scorus tells you, "You come to Silyun, Isparian? Are you no friend of the Slayer?"
Scorus tells you, "The Slayer has unleashed the Eaters upon us. They hunt us as they did in the land before. Those they do not kill, they madden instead."
Scorus tells you, "But there may be a cure. The mages who graced this land prior crafted marvelous artifacts - items of great power. Find these items. Create the machine. Perhaps we may cure our maddened kin."
Scorus gives you Healing Machine Recipe.
Scorus gives you A Message from Scorus.
Scorus tells you, "Luck to you and your mission friend."

Showing various items to Scorus

You allow Scorus to examine your <Healing Machine Piece>.
Scorus tells you, "Did I give you the recipe prior? Make the machine whole and return to me."
You allow Scorus to examine your Small Empyrean Key.
Scorus tells you, "Perhaps this key may help to find an element of the machine? The Small Empyrean Vault may be a good place to look. This vault may be found at 80.4N 74.0W."
You allow Scorus to examine your Ruschk Iceberg Key.
Scorus tells you, "Perhaps this key may help to find an element of the machine? Ruschk Iceberg may be a good place to look. You may find the iceberg at 96.3N 60.0W."
You allow Scorus to examine your Runic Skull.
Scorus tells you, "An odd artifact."
Scorus tells you, "Look. These runes can be translated to "Undead Temple". Perhaps this object will be useful there."

Handing in Fiun Healing Machine

You give Scorus Fiun Healing Machine.
Scorus tells you, "You have assembled the machine! This day is great for us. Perhaps maddened kin will be maddened no more. We owe you much, Isparian."
You've earned 20,700,000 experience.
Scorus gives you K'nath Lair Portal.
Scorus gives you Helm of Gratitude.

Update History

Throne of Destiny (expansion)

  • Quest introduced.

Secrets of the Apostates

  • XP reward increased from 2,000,000 to 13,765,337 (20% up to 100).
  • Helm of Gratitude updated.

Learning From Experience

  • XP reward increased from 13,765,337 (20% up to 100) to 20,700,000 (30% up to 100).

The Quest for Freedom

  • Repeat timer changed from 13 days to 20 hours.