Introduced: | Release |
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Notes Edit
Currency Edit
Inventory Edit
Weapons Edit
Item Price Longbow 508 Heavy Crossbow 544 Atlatl 290 Arrow 363 Quarrel 363 Blunt Arrow 725 Frog Crotch Arrow 1,450 Armor Piercing Arrow 1,450 Blunt Quarrel 725 Frog Crotch Quarrel 1,450 Armor Piercing Quarrel 1,450 Atlatl Dart 363
Fletching Items Edit
Trade Notes Edit
Item Price Trade Note (100) 115p Trade Note (500) 575p Trade Note (1,000) 1,150p
Lore & Dialog Edit
- Maftaltub al-Sur the Bowyer tells you, "Welcome to my shop."
Buying From
- Maftaltub al-Sur the Bowyer tells you, "An excellent purchase."
Selling To
- Maftaltub al-Sur the Bowyer tells you, "You drive a hard bargain, my friend."
- Maftaltub al-Sur the Bowyer tells you, "I wish you well. Come back soon!"