Darhy, Assistant to Nuhmudira

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Introduced:  Reign of Terror Related Quests:  Olthoi Shield Quest
Darhy, Assistant to Nuhmudira
Non-Player Killer
Race Male Aluvian
Title Assistant to Nuhmudira
Location 13.2N 0.8E in Zaikhal
Level 5
Strength 50
Endurance 70
Coordination 70
Quickness 75
Focus 50
Self 65
Health 95
Stamina 190
Mana 125

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Lore & Dialog Edit

Darhy, Assistant to Nuhmudira tells you, "Hello. I have been tasked by Nuhmudira to continue to collect Whispering Venom crystals. They aided in overcoming the threat of the ancient Olthoi Queen who resided within this lair. It is important to probe this lair lest the Queen should return here and defeat any Olthoi within it! Nuhmudira had determined there is an unknown force that seems to "drown out" mana and suppresses higher forms of magic. This force is particularly powerful in the proximity of this lair and prevents anyone from being portalled successfully there."
Darhy, Assistant to Nuhmudira tells you, "A very rare crystal, Whispering Venom crystal is required to nullify this effect- the wearing of a ring made from this crystal allows a successful journey through portal space to this lair. Alas, Nuhmudira did possess a supply of these crystals however they were stolen once from her warehouse, together with numerous other crystals. While the other crystal types are being replaced through the good efforts of Isparians, a supply of Whispering Venom crystal is lacking."
Darhy, Assistant to Nuhmudira tells you, "There is a mine at desert's edge, west of Khayyaban, which used to be a source of these crystals. It may be somewhat depleted but it is our only hope. Please try to find some and return as soon as you are able!"

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