Quest Summary | |
Quest Type | Solo |
XP Reward | 30,000 |
XP Cap | 30,000 |
Item Reward | Elysa's Favor 3 Wood Hearts 3 Copper Hearts 3 Obsidian Hearts 2 Sturdy Iron Keys |
Title Reward | None |
Starting Location | Holtburg, Shoushi, or Yaraq |
Map | ACmaps - Asuger Temple ACmaps - Farmer's Basement |
Timer | 2 Weeks |
Level Restrictions | 20+ |
Level Suggestions | 20+ |
Introduced In | Flesh and Blood |
During the Elements of Revenge story arc Martine attacked the starter towns where new Isparians first land on Dereth. He destroyed all the starting locations except for Holtburg, Shoushi, and Yaraq. In response Queen Elysa increased the defenses at the three remaining towns. In this quest you have to aid the local guards at all three of the towns then attack Martine's base of operations.
This quest is unusual because you can start it from any of the three starter towns. The procedure of the quest will be the same no matter where you start but the order in which you do them will be different depending on which town you start in.
The 3 NPCs are as follows:
- Holtburg - Sir Rylanan at 41.6N, 34.2E
- Shoushi - Sir Tenshin at 32.8S, 73.3E
- Yaraq - Dame Tsaya at 21.0S, 0.8W
We'll start in alphabetical order in Holtburg but you can start in any of the towns.
Walk Through
- Talk to Sir Rylanan at 41.6N, 34.2E, in the Advocate Tower near Holtburg.
- Go to the house at 42.8N 29.5E and kill the Hollow Minions in the basement. One will drop a Cryptic Letter.
- Optional: Talk to the Reformed Bandit outside the house after you loot the note to watch him portal recall away.
- Return the Cryptic Letter to Sir Rylanan who will direct you to the Asuger Temple.
- Enter Asuger Temple (ACmaps - Asuger Temple) at 45.1N, 30.4E.
- Make your way through the dungeon until you find Hollow Minions and hallways that are colored red. This means you are near the end.
- Kill the level 30 Hollow Minion boss.
- Loot the Storage Key from the Hollow Minion. It drops 1 per kill.
- Use the key to open the Storage Chest and loot the Glass Spherule
- Return to Sir Rylanan and hand him the Spherule to get experience and 3 Golem Hearts.
- Unless this is your last town Rylanan will give you a letter to take to the next town to continue the quest.
- Talk to Sir Tenshin at 32.8S, 73.3E, in the Advocate Tower near Shoushi.
- Go to the farm house at 37.4S, 75.5E where the Ostentatious Farmer lives and use the trap door in front of the fireplace. You will be portaled into the Farmer's Basement (ACmaps - Farmer's Basement)
- Use the candle on the wall to reveal a passageway behind the fireplace.
- Run down to passageway until you come to two rooms with 2 Swamp Rats.
- In the room on the left you will find an unlocked Storage Chest with a Folded Guard's Uniform and A Folded Note. The uniform is the item you need to continue the quest.
- You can can run back to the trap door and use it return to the farm house. There is a candle lever on the other side of the fireplace that opens it from the other side too.
- Return to Sir Tenshin and hand him the Uniform to receive experience and 3 Golem Hearts.
- Unless this is your last town Tenshin will give you will give you a letter to take to the next town to continue the quest.
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Lore & Dialog
Holtburg Dialog
Sir Rylanan tells you, "I've recently been assigned to Holtburg to build a garrision and be on the lookout for suspicious happenings. There is one fellow on the outskirts of town that I've been keeping my eye on. He's just moved here from Marae Lassel and sometimes comes into town for provisions. He says he's been "reformed", but I can spot a bandit when I see one! Townsfolk say they've spotted shady-looking guests coming and going from his house at odd hours. Could you go check on him? His house lies to the northwest of town, past the Holtburg West Training Academy."
Before Looting the Cryptic Note:
Reformed Bandit tells you, "Greetings, stranger. I've done many things to be ashamed of in the past, but I've come here to make a new start near the fair town of Holtburg. I enjoy the peace and quiet of these parts. Would you mind if I asked you to be on your way? I am entertaining some important guests, and I don't want them to be disturbed."
After Looting the Cryptic Note:
The "reformed" bandit has an extremely guilty look on his face. He even looks as if he might run for the hills.
Reformed Bandit tells you, "Look! Behind you! Is that the white bunny?!"
Reformed Bandit says, "Shurov Thiloi!"
You give Sir Rylanan A Cryptic Note.
Sir Rylanan tells you, "You say you found this note in that bandit's house? Surrounded by a pack of Hollow Minions? I knew that fellow was up to no good! Look refers to Asuger Temple, up to the north. Last I heard, the temple was just a Banderling hideout...harmless really. I wonder what sort of trouble might be brewing up there? Find out what is going on, and I'm sure I could find something in the Guard's coffers to reward you with."
You give Sir Rylanan Glass Spherule.
Sir Rylanan tells you, "What a strange object! Perfectly round, and perfectly smooth!"
Sir Rylanan holds the spherule up to the light and stares into the milky glass.
Sir Rylanan tells you, "What substance could possibly be swirling around in there? Looks like portal space energy, doesn't it?"
Sir Rylanan starts to shake the spherule but suddenly thinks better of it.
Sir Rylanan tells you, "I am out of my depth here...the mages of the Arcanum might be able to fathom this object's purpose. I will send it to the Arcanum for analysis."
Sir Rylanan tells you, "I believe Sir Tenshin would be very interested to hear about your discoveries. He is heading up the garrision down in Shoushi. This letter will serve as your introduction to him--I have chronicled your discoveries, as well as the contents of the note you found earlier."
Sir Rylanan gives you Sir Rylanan's Letter to Sir Tenshin.
Sir Rylanan tells you, "I should now reward you for your aid in investigating this matter."
You've earned 5,000 experience.
Sir Rylanan gives you Wood Heart.
Sir Rylanan gives you Wood Heart.
Sir Rylanan gives you Wood Heart.
Shoushi Dialog
You give Sir Tenshin Sir Rylanan's Letter to Sir Tenshin.
Sir Tenshin reads the letter from Sir Rylanan with no small amount of amazement.
Sir Tenshin tells you, "A glass spherule encapulating what looks as if it could be portal space energy? For what purpose? They say that Dereth is full of wonders...but if Hollow Minions are playing around with portal space, no good can come of it. Mark my words..."
Sir Tenshin tells you, "Come to think of it, I've remarked on some suspicious characters lately myself. Perhaps you can help me. There is a farmer who lives a little ways past the Shoushi South Outpost. He's been a normal townsmember for a very long time, but no one can speak for how he's come into so much wealth recently. Normally it's a cause to celebrate when one's neighbor moves up in the world...but why is he acting so distantly when he comes to town to stock up on provisions?"
Sir Tenshin tells you, "Could you go and check in on him? I am sure there is nothing amiss, but I just want to be sure..."
Before Entering the Trap Door
Ostentatious Farmer tells you, "Welcome to my grand opening! You are welcome to peruse my wares...but please, stay to the front of my shop--the heat from the fire is very strong, and I don't want you to get burned."
Ostentatious Farmer tells you, "Thank you for your patronage. Now please be on your way, I have much work to do."
After Entering the Trap Door
Ostentatious Farmer tells you, "How dare you nose around my house, when I expressely asked you not to? Ok, you can buy something, but after that, get out, GET OUT!"
Ostentatious Farmer tells you, "Like I said, LEAVE! GO! OUT! NOW!"
You give Sir Tenshin Folded Guard's Uniform.
Sir Tenshin tells you, "You say you found this Guard's uniform in a hidden room in the farmer's basement? What's more, he had many of them? And he's stockpiling a large armament as well?"
Sir Tenshin tells you, "How could he have found access to these uniforms? These are the sole property of Her Majesty's Guard--and are dispensed only through our headquarters. They must have been stolen whilst our quartermaster was in his cups...I will alert our Queen of this affair immediately."
Sir Tenshin tells you, "I believe Dame Tsaya in Yaraq should be alerted to this affair as well. Please take this letter to her--I have included your recent discoveries. I'm sure she will be highly interested to hear of what you have found."
Sir Tenshin gives you Sir Tenshin's Letter to Dame Tsaya.
Sir Tenshin tells you, "Thank you for your help--here is your reward."
You've earned 10,000 experience.
Sir Tenshin gives you Copper Heart.
Sir Tenshin gives you Copper Heart.
Sir Tenshin gives you Copper Heart.
You give Sir Tenshin A Folded Note.
Sir Tenshin tells you, "My instincts were correct. I wonder who his new patron is? Here, you may have this back. I have already committed it to memory."
Sir Tenshin gives you A Folded Note.
Holtburg Items
A Cryptic Note
Storage Key
Glass Spherule
- File:Sir Rylanan's Letter to Sir Tenshin Icon.png Sir Rylanan's Letter to Sir Tenshin
Shoushi Items
A Folded Note
Folded Guard's Uniform
- File:Sir Tenshin's Letter to Dame Tsaya Icon.png Sir Tenshin's Letter to Dame Tsaya
Reward Items
- File:Elysa's Favor Red Icon.png Red Elysa's Favor
- File:Elysa's Favor Blue Icon.png Blue Elysa's Favor
- File:Elysa's Favor Yellow Icon.png Yellow Elysa's Favor
- File:Elysa's Favor White Icon.png White Elysa's Favor
- File:Copper Heart icon.png Copper Heart
- File:Obsidian Heart icon.png Obsidian Heart
Wood Heart
- File:Sturdy Iron Key icon.png Sturdy Iron Key