Introduced:  Release
Dortold the Tailor
Non-Player Killer
Race Male Aluvian
Title Tailor
Location 10.4N, 58.2E in Rithwic
Level 4
Strength 30
Endurance 30
Coordination 40
Quickness 45
Focus 40
Self 30
Health 75
Stamina 110
Mana 60

Notes Edit

Inventory Edit

Clothing Edit

Lore & Dialog Edit


Dortold the Tailor tells you, "Welcome. What can Dortold do for you?"

Buying From

Dortold the Tailor tells you, "Dortold thinks you have made a wise purchase. Dortold is happy."

Selling To

Dortold the Tailor tells you, "Dortold likes what he has bought."


Dortold the Tailor tells you, "Dortold thanks you for your business."