Introduced:  Release
Davis the Tailor
Non-Player Killer
Race Male Aluvian
Title Tailor
Location 33.4N, 56.6E in Arwic
Level 4
Strength 20
Endurance 50
Coordination 50
Quickness 20
Focus 50
Self 45
Health 70
Stamina 135
Mana 95

Notes Edit

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Lore & Dialog Edit


Davis the Tailor tells you, "It's good to be back, that's for sure. But I wonder why the golems moved underground?"

Buying From

Davis the Tailor tells you, "With all of this business I'll be pressed to keep up with such high quality goods."

Selling To

Davis the Tailor tells you, "It's nice to be able to afford such a lot again."


Davis the Tailor tells you, "Farewell my friend."

Retired (from Twilight's Gleaming)

Davis the Tailor tells you, "Is it safe to come out yet? The destruction of Arwic was terrifying."

Davis the Tailor tells you, "Watch out for falling objects!"