Fathomless Chasm Descent

Revision as of 14:06, 26 June 2017 by (talk)
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Fathomless Chasm Descent
Quests Isparian Weapons Quest
Restrictions Level: 60-79
Tieable: No
Recallable: No
Summonable: No
Coordinates 36.9S, 63.4E
near Shoushi
Nearest LS 34.4S, 64.9E
Route Go to Shoushi via the Town Network, and then run to 36.9S, 63.4E.
Map Files: ACMaps Map
Show location on Dereth map

Map Dereth Point


Notes Edit

Portal to the Descent is found in the Fathomless Chasm, take east passage and then right at split.

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Unmapped Dungeons

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Lightning Elemental


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  • Surface -

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Click image for full size version.

Update History Edit

Heart of Woe

  • Level restriction increased from 50-69 to 60-79.