Falatacot Abbess Mask

Revision as of 20:33, 7 November 2007 by (talk) (New page: Image:abbessmask.JPG Obtained by giving Tsua Kagemata a Falatacot Abbess Head which is dropped by a Falatacot Matriarch ''You give Tsua Kagemata Falatacot Abbess Head.''...)
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Obtained by giving Tsua Kagemata a Falatacot Abbess Head which is dropped by a Falatacot Matriarch

You give Tsua Kagemata Falatacot Abbess Head.
Tsua Kagemata tells you, "Another Zombie head? Well, at least this one seems in better shape. I guess the Falatacot are good for something..."
Tsua Kagemata gives you Falatacot Abbess Mask.