Introduced: | Flesh and Blood | Related Quests: | Elysa's Favor Quest |
Notes Edit
- Found in the Storage Chest in the Asuger Temple.
- Pickup timer: 20 hours.
- Give to Sir Rylanan to continue the quest:
- You give Sir Rylanan Glass Spherule.
- Sir Rylanan tells you, "What a strange object! Perfectly round, and perfectly smooth!"
- Sir Rylanan holds the spherule up to the light and stares into the milky glass.
- Sir Rylanan tells you, "What substance could possibly be swirling around in there? Looks like portal space energy, doesn't it?"
- Sir Rylanan starts to shake the spherule but suddenly thinks better of it.
- Sir Rylanan tells you, "I am out of my depth here...the mages of the Arcanum might be able to fathom this object's purpose. I will send it to the Arcanum for analysis."
- Sir Rylanan tells you, "I believe Sir Tenshin would be very interested to hear about your discoveries. He is heading up the garrision down in Shoushi. This letter will serve as your introduction to him--I have chronicled your discoveries, as well as the contents of the note you found earlier."
- Sir Rylanan gives you Sir Rylanan's Letter to Sir Tenshin.
- Sir Rylanan tells you, "I should now reward you for your aid in investigating this matter."
- <Reward varies based on order quest is completed in.>
- Give to Sir Tenshin or Dame Tsaya for additional interactions:
- You give Sir Tenshin Glass Spherule.
- Sir Tenshin tells you, "You say you found this strange object near Holtburg? You should take it to Sir Rylanan. He is overseeing the garrison in Holtburg and will be interested in any local developments."
- Sir Tenshin gives you Glass Spherule.
- You give Dame Tsaya Glass Spherule.
- Dame Tsaya tells you, "You say you found this object near Holtburg? You should take it to Sir Rylanan. He is overseeing the garrison in Holtburg and will be interested in any local developments."
- Dame Tsaya gives you Glass Spherule.