A Cryptic Note

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Introduced:  Flesh and Blood Related Quests:  Elysa's Favor Quest
A Cryptic Note
  • Value: 0
  • Burden: 5
  • Properties: Attuned, Bonded
  • 1 of 1 pages full.
  • A note.

(The creases in the parchment have obscured much of the writing, but some of it is still discernible.)

...the perfect place to conduct our part of the plan. Asuger Temple ... A delicious irony that it would be here, under their very noses. We are close to refining the required amount of the substance--bide your time among the town's unwitting inhabitants until you are called to transport the cargo.

Notes Edit

You give Sir Rylanan A Cryptic Note.

Sir Rylanan tells you, "You say you found this note in that bandit's house? Surrounded by a pack of Hollow Minions? I knew that fellow was up to no good! Look here...it refers to Asuger Temple, up to the north. Last I heard, the temple was just a Banderling hideout...harmless really. I wonder what sort of trouble might be brewing up there? Find out what is going on, and I'm sure I could find something in the Guard's coffers to reward you with."

You give Reformed Bandit A Cryptic Note.

Reformed Bandit tells you, "Where did you find this? It certainly isn't mine! Why are you giving this to me?"

Reformed Bandit gives you A Cryptic Note.

Reformed Bandit tells you, "My Goodness...look at the time, must be going, bye!"

Reformed Bandit says, "Shurov Thiloi!"
Portal magic swirls around the Reformed Bandit, who disappears for about one minute.

You give Sir Tenshin A Cryptic Note.

Sir Tenshin tells you, "You say you found this note near Holtburg? You should take it to Sir Rylanan. He is overseeing the garrision in Shoushi and will be interested in any local developments."

Sir Tenshin gives you A Cryptic Note.

You give Dame Tsaya A Cryptic Note.

Dame Tsaya tells you, "You say you found this note near Holtburg? You should take it to Sir Rylanan. He is overseeing the garrision in Shoushi and will be interested in any local developments."

Dame Tsaya gives you A Cryptic Note.

  • This text has no given author.