Introduced: | Remembering the Past | Related Quests: | Tanada House of Storms Quest |
Notes Edit
- Dropped by the Enlightened Master.
- Does not stack.
- Give to Sayuji Jina for 3 Gem of Balance, The Rise and Fall of the Tanada and 25,500,000xp
- You give Sayuji Jina Enlightened Master's Medallion.
- Sayuji Jina tells you, "Well done. This confirms some of my fears. I cannot tell you very much now, as I feel that most of what I know will be lost on you."
- Sayuji Jina tells you, "But here, I should reward you... I will give you some gems that I think you will find useful... And a book, to help you learn something of the nature of the Tanada clan and their deadly mission."
- You've earned 4,817,868 experience.
- Sayuji Jina gives you 3 Gems of Balance.
- Sayuji Jina gives you The Rise and Fall of the Tanada.
- Sayuji Jina tells you, "If you do not find these Gems of Balance to be useful, you can return them to me for practical knowledge."
- Sayuji Jina looks at you speculatively.
- Sayuji Jina tells you, "If you would aid me again in dealing with this matter, speak to me again."