Introduced: | Should the Stars Fall | Related Quests: | Shard of the Herald |
- Value: 200
- Burden: 6,000
- Do not disturb Lady Kelderam.
- An elaborate tomb, inscribed, "From northland to madness; from madness to grace; from grace to our verdurous home." You feel a strange sense of peace radiating from it.
- Here lieth our sweet Lady, Idhare Kelderam, a child of Knorr. She sleeps in light now, yet still guards her ward loyally.
--Lady Kathendi Berake
Notes Edit
- Located in the basement of Ithaenc Cathedral.
- Used with a complete Silver Key to receive a portal gem to the catacombs of Ithaenc Cathedral.
- If you try to use it, it tells you:
- You need to find the key first.
- When using the key:
- You notice a small keyhole near the base of the pedestal...
- Resting place of Idhare Kelderam
- Use
Silver Key (Kelderam's Path) upon Kelderam's Tomb to receive
Kelderam's Path
- WCID: 8553