Tactical Training Officer

Revision as of 03:41, 10 April 2018 by (talk)
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Introduced:  Shifting Tactics Related Quests:  Tactical Defense Game
Tactical Training Officer
Non-Player Killer
Race Male Gharu'ndim
Title Society Officer
Location Tactical Arena
Level 200
Strength 200
Endurance 250
Coordination 320
Quickness 290
Focus 350
Self 350
Health 125
Stamina 250
Mana 350

Notes Edit

Lore & Dialog Edit

Tactical Training Officer tells you, "Welcome to Tactical Defense, a completly original game thought up by me and only me. The game is to test your skills of commanding in battle."
Tactical Training Officer tells you, "Over time you receive coins, you then use those coins to buy tower tokens. When you hand a tower token to a tower, a battle tower is created on the landscape."
Tactical Training Officer tells you, "If you would like to play hand me 5 society ribbons and the game will begin."