Introduced: | Cold Tracks | Related Quests: | Tanada House of Earth Quest | Updated: | Master of Arms |
- Value: 6,000
- Burden: 375
- Skill: Heavy Weapons (Sword)
- Damage: 23 - 46 (34 - 68), Slashing/Piercing
- Speed: 35
- Bonus to Attack Skill: +8%
- Bonus to Melee Defense: +15%
- Bonus to Missile Defense: +5%.
- Bonus to Magic Defense: +2%.
- Spells: Web of Deflection, Web of Defense, Boon of Refinement, Ogfoot, Web of Resistance, Infected Caress
- Properties: Multi-Strike, Crushing Blow, Attuned, Bonded, Ivoryable
- Wield requires base Heavy Weapons 350
- Activation requires Arcane Lore: 180, Melee Defense: 300
- Spellcraft: 325.
- Mana: 3000.
- Mana Cost: 1 point per 30 seconds.
- A light, beautifully crafted Tachi, engraved and enameled in imagery dedicating the weapon to the Grace of Unicorn.
Notes Edit
- During the Master of Arms event, the skill was changed from Sword to Heavy Weapons and the base damage upped from 17.5 - 35 to 23 - 46