Introduced: | Lonely in the World | Related Quests: | Hieromancer's Armor | Updated: | Discoveries |
- Value: 1,000
- Burden: 50
- Spells: Focus Self VI, Willpower Self VI, War Magic Mastery Self VI
- Activation requires War Magic: 200
- Bonus to Mana Conversion: +5%
- This item cannot be sold.
- Spellcraft: 225
- Mana: 1500
- Mana Cost: 1 point per 20 seconds.
- An orb of the type carried by the Yalaini Order of Hieromancers, as an emblem of their station.
Notes Edit
- Obtained by handing a Sunstone Geode to Eaushi the Trainer.
- In Discoveries, the following updates were made:
- Spells added: Focus Self VI, Willpower Self VI, War Magic Mastery Self VI.
- +5% Mana Conversion added.