Ash Gromnie Tooth Brush

Revision as of 22:59, 26 October 2015 by (talk) (→‎Recipe)
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Introduced:  Festivus Related Quests:  Glenden Wood Crafters
Ash Gromnie Tooth Brush
  • Value: 0
  • Burden: 10
  • Properties: Attuned, Bonded
  • A brush made from the tooth of an ash gromnie.

Notes Edit

  • Does not stack.
  • Hand it to Copper Vanurp in Glenden Wood to receive 10% of the xp toward your next point of your Cooking skill (10 Million Max).
You give Copper Vanurp Ash Gromnie Tooth Brush.
Copper Vanurp tells you, "This brush .. this brush is a work of art! Keep refining your technique, and soon I may allow you to touch ... the food itself!"
You've earned X experience in your Cooking skill.

Recipe Edit

Carving Knife
1 Ash Gromnie Tooth
1 Ash Gromnie Tooth Brush
  • Steps:
  1. Use Carving Knife on Ash Gromnie Tooth to create Ash Gromnie Tooth Brush.
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