Enhanced version of the Dark Sorcerer's Phylactery, introduced in Come What Follows

File:Icon DarkSorcerersPhylactery.jpg Enhanced Dark Sorcerer's Phylactery
An orb with some sort of dark figure within. Gazing into its depths, you see the wretched face of a Dark Sorcerer, an undead from the Vesayen Islands. This orb has been enhanced by Belinda du Loc to unlock a greater magnitude of its true nature.
Value 7,000p
Burden 50
Bonus to Mana Conversion +10%
Bonus to Melee Defense +10%
Spells Decrepitude's Grasp, Celcynd's Blessing, Harlune's Blessing, Nuhmudira's Blessing, Moderate Willpower, Wizard's Ultimate Intellect (+30 Mana)
Activations Life Magic: 250
Spellcraft 400
Mana 2,000, 1/20 sec