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[You cannot translate this text]
Notes Edit
- Obtained by using one of the bookshelves in the Citadel Library:
- A ghostly hand extends and places a book into your hand.
- Bookshelf gives you Decrepit Tome.
- A book wreathed in flame thrusts itself into your hands.
- Bookshelf gives you Fiery Tome.
- A chilling hand grabs yours and places a book in your hand.
- Bookshelf gives you Icy Tome.
- A scent of brimstone accompanies the hand that appears to place a book in your hand.
- Bookshelf gives you Ebuillant Tome.
- A low hum is heard as a hand extends from the bookcase and places a book into your hand.
- Bookshelf gives you Charged Tome.
- Give to Bretself the Translator to receive the translated text, Disciples of Tempest:
- You give Bretself the Translator Charged Tome.
- Bretself the Translator tells you, "Disciples of TEMPEST...a very interesting read. I've made some notes where applicable."
- Bretself the Translator gives you Disciples of Tempest.