Black Coral Golem Kill Task

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Black Coral Golem Kill Task
Level: 180
Type: Solo
Starts With: Chiriko
Starts At: Northwatch Castle Black Market
Repeat: 20 Hours

Walkthrough & Notes Edit

  1. Kill 20 Black Coral Golems on Dark Isle (Black Coral Golem Viceroys do not count towards the task).
  2. Speak to Chiriko again for your rewards.

Dungeons & Maps Edit

No related dungeons.

Rewards Edit

Experience: 100,000,000 (??% up to level ??)

Images Edit

Click image for full size version.

Dialog Edit

Opening Dialog

Chiriko tells you, "It is an honor to greet you. I have a proposition for you, if you are interested. There are some recent additions to the Isle known as the Dark Isle, specifically the Black Coral Golems. If you would be willing to go there and prove your prowess by destroying 100 of these strange golems, I will reward you handsomely for your actions."
Completing Kill Task

Chiriko tells you, "Well done, well done indeed. You have proven your skill and honored my task. I thank you. Here is the reward promised."

Chiriko tells you, "If you return to me in 3 days time, I may have another task for you in the Dark Isle."

You've earned 100,000,000 experience.

Chiriko gives you Aged Legendary Key.

Update History Edit

Who Watches the Virindi?

  • Kill task introduced.

Emotions Unbound