Introduced:  ?? Related Quests:  Dereth Exploration

Map Dereth Point


A Castle full of lower level Banderlings at 66.2N, 2.3W. This castle also holds 3 chests down in the bunker, one of them being the Camping Mastery Chest, and an Exploration Marker for the Dereth Exploration Quest. Some lower level Tumeroks guard the chests.





File:Banderling Castle Live .jpg
Aeral View of Banderling Castle
File:Bunker Banderling Castle Live.jpg
The Bunker with the Tumeroks and the Chests
Chests in the bunker, the right one is the Camping Mastery Chest
File:Camping Mastery Chest Spell Live.jpg
The face of Devil Mouse being cast when opening the Camping Mastery Chest