Introduced: | Dark Majesty | Related Quests: | Dereth Exploration | Updated: | Pillars Made of Sand, Who Watches the Virindi? |
Description Edit
A cave with an unlocked Runed Chest (tier 3 Loot), guarded by lower level Hea Tumeroks. An Exploration Marker is found outside the cave.
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Exploration Marker
Runed Chest
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Tumerok Camp at 40.5N, 78.2W
Runed Chest
Notes Edit
- In Pillars Made of Sand, the cave was overrun with Tumeroks and a Runed Chest was added. Originally, Aun Papileona was found here but he moved to 39.8N, 76.4W during the same event.
- In Who Watches the Virindi? event, an Exploration Marker was added.