Empty Paradox Olthoi Cave

Revision as of 01:03, 8 December 2014 by (talk) (template clean up)
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Empty Paradox Olthoi Cave
Quests Aerbax's Prodigal Olthoi, Dereth Exploration
Restrictions Level: Any
Tieable: No
Recallable: No
Summonable: No
Coordinates 43.4N 55.4E
near Arwic
Nearest LS 48.3N 57.4E
Route Take the Far Claw Villas settlement portal in Arwic at 32.9N 59.4E then run south to 43.4N 55.4E.
Map Files: None Available
Show location on Dereth map

Map Dereth Point


Notes Edit

The entrance to this dungeon is an open landscape olthoi burrow (no portal) located in the middle of the Paradox-touched Valley. Lag can be extreme due to the large number of olthoi in the area.

During the Picking up the Pieces, an Exploration Marker was added.

There is a green olthoi door that can be opened using the Olthoi Cistern in the Paradox-Touched Olthoi Queen's Lair

  • When the burrow came ingame, it seemed like there was no way to open the door. Originally, explorers discovered a grate behind the door that can be seen from some angles, and it was thought that maybe the door was nothing more than a tease from the developers.

Maps Edit

  • Wiki Map:

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  • None

Creatures Edit

  • Some of the Olthoi outside will follow you when you run inside

Paradox Olthoi

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