Introduced: | Corrupted Sovereigns | Related Quests: | Aerbax's Prodigal Olthoi |
- Value: 0
- Burden: 50
- Properties: Attuned, Bonded
- Use this gland to bypass the Sealed Olthoi Passage in the bottom of the Deeper Catacombs of the Paradox-touched Olthoi. Once used, this gland should mask your scent for 2 hours. (**Note: This gland will not work for characters below 120th level.)
- This item cannot be sold.
- A small spherical gland retrieved from a Paradox-touched Olthoi. It smells absolutely horrible.
Notes Edit
- Dropped by adult (non-nymph and grub) Paradox Olthoi (level 161+).
- Does not stack.
- May be examined by Ethan Wintermaine
- You allow Ethan Wintermaine to examine your Coruscating Olthoi Scent Gland.
- Ethan Wintermaine tells you, "Is this how all of the adventurers are getting past the sealed passage? Well, you're all braver than I thought."
- Ethan Wintermaine tells you, "Well, what are you waiting for, go kill the damnable Paradox-touched Olthoi Queen. I will be awaiting news of your success, or waiting to see if your death and reformation at the Lifestone removes the smell."
- May be examined by Adrien Swiftblade
- You allow Adrien Swiftblade to examine your Coruscating Olthoi Scent Gland.
- Adrien Swiftblade tells you, "An Olthoi scent gland? Though I'm sure it has it's uses, I do not believe the researchers have a use for that at this time. I thank you for the offer, but you may keep it for yourself."