South Gate

Revision as of 01:52, 8 December 2014 by (talk) (template clean up)
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South Gate
Quests Aerbax's Citadel
Restrictions Level: Any
Tieable: Yes
Recallable: Yes
Summonable: Yes
Coordinates 65.0S 63.8W
near Wai Jhou
Nearest LS 62.8S 51.5W
Route Use Dangerous Portal Device at your mansion to get to the center of the Obsidian Plains.
Map Files: Wiki Map
Show location on Dereth map

Map Dereth Point


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This dungeon is a long linear maze that leads to the NPC that accepts the crystals to begin the Aerbax's Citadel quest. Once your fellow has handed in the crystals and used the harmonic device once, until the hour expires you can use the three portals at the start of the dungeon to skip all of it and go directly to the device again, useful if you die or Aerbax portals you off the platforms.

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  • Wiki Map:

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  • None

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