Pool of Water

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Pool of Water
  • Value: ???
  • Burden: Unknown
  • A magical pool of water that seeps from the ground.
The Pool of Water

Notes Edit

You take a drink of cool water, and feel much healthier.
Pool of Water casts Heal Other I and restores 20 points of your health.
You give Pool of Water Quiddity Ingot.
You immerse the ingot in the waters of the pool. The ingot's glow changes from white to yellow.
Pool of Water gives you Purified Quiddity Ingot.
You've earned 11,876,314 experience.
  • Repeat Runs:
You give Pool of Water Quiddity Ingot.
As you have done previously, you immerse the ingot in the waters of the pool. The ingot's glow changes from white to yellow.
Pool of Water gives you Purified Quiddity Ingot.
You've earned 5,938,157 experience.