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May 5th, 2009 Teaser Video

May 5th, 2009 - Link

We thought everyone might enjoy seeing just ONE of the things we have coming to Asheron's Call for our 10th Anniversary.

Make sure you head over to http://ac.turbine.com/ to check out the exclusive teaser!

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Developer Comments

May 5th Teaser Video Discussion

May 5th, 2009 - Link

Q: I guess I should abandon mace now in favor of sword?

A: The Two Handed Combat skill will allow the use of any two handed weapon.


Senior Game Engineer
May 5th, 2009 - Link

Q: The damage seems pretty unbalanced.

A: Two handed weapons do indeed strike twice because of their animation, but they are balanced around that fact. One of those two hits will not do the damage of a single hit weapon.


Senior Game Engineer
May 5th, 2009 - Link

Q: So it's a totally new skill then? So will they do more damage than one regular hit? Or will it essentially do half + half ?

A: We are currently testing two handed weapons to do damage equivalent to 110% of sword DPS, divided between the two swings. So the two handed weapon will essentially do two hits, each at 55% of what a sword might do. The exact number might change.

Of course you give up the protection of a shield.

In addition some two handed weapons have a "Cleave" effect. Each strike also hits an additional creature in the 90 degree attack arc in front of you. Because PvP players might not want this effect if they are grouped some two handed weapons (usually the piercing types) don't cleave.


Senior Game Engineer
May 5th, 2009 - Link

Q: So a "Cleave" weapon will have over double the effective DPS of sword, rather than just double, assuming two mobs are in front of you?

A: Against multiple foes if you line up the cone, yes. Against bosses or smart players, no.

It is very early in the process though, so just to be clear the exact damage numbers could change.


Senior Game Engineer