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A Guide to Gearcrafting Part 1

Original Link - http://ac.turbine.com/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=510:a-guide-to-gearcrafting&catid=39:articles&Itemid=53

A Guide to Gearcrafting

There are many changes and additions coming to Asheron's Call for our 10th Anniversary. One of these additions is Gearcrafting. In order to give everyone a heads up on how this new skill works, we are giving everyone a sneak peek at the in-game guide. This is a comprehensive rundown of everything you will need to know about this new skill. Enjoy!

A Comprehensive Guide to Gearcrafting:
In the wake of the Gearknight's appearance in Dereth comes an opportunity for great advancement. The balance of magical means with that of technology can only increase our understanding of the world and offer new solutions we can use to cope with our challenges. This guide intends to describe the practice of Gearcrafting in its state of inception.

The Trinket:
Trinkets are a classification of item that can possess magic but requires no specific form the only common thread is they all possess some level of technology. We Derethians are familiar with a large variety of magical items but none before this technical. A trinket can be worn in a great variety of ways, as a simple broach clipped to your amuli coat, a small gadget stored in the pocket or any other number of possible placements. What we do know that is, to date, you can only activate the magic of a single trinket at a time.

(These items occupy a trinket slot on your character; this slot is displayed below the necklace slot)

Gearcrafting and Trinkets:
The most advanced form of Gearcrafting includes the way it interacts with trinkets. All trinkets possessing magic seem to have further innate magics that can be tapped into. The closest analog to the process of activating these magics is that of Tinkering and Imbuing items as has long been the practice of a variety of crafters around Dereth. However Gearcrafting trinkets have a set of differences and some very specific rules.

Gearcrafting Committee

  1. Rule 1 - There are only three possible upgrades to any Trinket
  2. Rule 2 - Each upgrade has a specific power rating
    • Sub 1 - Minor
    • Sub 2 - Moderate
    • Sub 3 - Major
  3. Rule 3 - Every spell is available at every power rating
  4. Rule 4 - A higher power spell will always override a lower power spell of the same type
    • Sub 1 - We urge caution in tinkering. Using the same upgrade in more than one slot will offer absolutely no bonus outside of that of the highest tier spell.
  5. Rule 5 - The Minor and Moderate upgrades can be completed with no chance of failure by a Gearcrafter of the appropriate skill level.
    • Sub 1 - Minor and Moderate application difficulty is based on Material Type, Material Quality and Trinket Quality in the same way it is in normal tinkering.
  6. Rule 6 - Major upgrades have a significant chance of failure. This failure rate is the same as that of Imbues.
  7. Rule 7 - Gearcrafting Materials must always be prepared for use with a special armature before any of the before mentioned upgrades may be made.
    • Sub 1 - Minor Spells are activated with a Minor Armature
    • Sub 2 - Moderate Spells are activated with a Moderate Armature
    • Sub 3 - Majors Spells are activated with a Major Armature As it is with normal tinkering you will need vast quantities (a bag containing 100 units of a specific material) of salvage. The types of salvage you will be using are very specific to Gearcrafting.

Salvage Types:

  • Amber
  • Diamond
  • Gromnie Hide
  • Pyreal
  • Ruby
  • Sapphire

Each of these salvages on its own is completely inert. Only when applied to the correct armature is your salvage ready for use on a trinket. This armature facilitates the application of the material to the trinket as well as activating the magical reagents available in the material itself.


  • Minor Gearcrafting Armature - Available with any Shopkeeper
  • Moderate Gearcrafting Armature - Available with any Shopkeeper
  • Major Gearcrafting Armature - Available at only the most prestigious of shops

Once activated each salvaged material will trigger a specific type of magic in the trinket.

Salvage Type and Magic Activated:

  • Ruby - Additional Health
  • Amber - Additional Stamina
  • Sapphire - Additional Mana
  • Diamond - Damage Boost
  • Gromnie Hide - Damage Reduction Boost
  • Pyreal - Understanding (increase earned experience)

Each of these salvage types will have a different level of effect based on the type of armature it is applied to.

Salvage Type and Power Level:

  • Ruby - Minor 5 Health, Moderate 10 Health, Major 15 Health
  • Amber - Minor 10 Stamina, Moderate 20 Stamina, Major 30 Stamina
  • Sapphire - Minor 10 Mana, Moderate 20 Mana, Major 30 Mana
  • Diamond - Minor 1 Damage Rating, Moderate 2 Damage Rating, Major 3 Damage Rating
  • Gromnie Hide - Minor 1 Damage Reduction Rating, Moderate 2 Damage Reduction Rating, Major 3 Damage Reduction Rating
  • Pyreal - Minor 2% Experience Gain, Moderate 4% Experience Gain, Major 6% Experience Gain

The process of preparing an armature is simple and has no risk of failure.

  1. Step 1 - Purchase the armature that corresponds to the tier of spell you wish to apply.
  2. Step 2 - Gather a complete bag of salvage that activates the spell you desire.
  3. Step 3 - Apply the complete bag of salvage to the armature.
    • Sub 1 - This will result in the production of a material prepared armature matching the type of material and the level of armature.
    • Sub 2 - The material will not be expended, this process only uses trace amounts of the material and there is no effect on the bag of salvage itself.
  4. Step 4 - Apply a bag of the same type of salvage, or the same bag of salvage to the prepared armature.
    • Sub 1 - This will expend the bag of salvage and you will be left with an armature that can now be used on a trinket.
  5. Step 5 - Apply the armature to a magical trinket of your choice (this will only work on loot generated trinkets).
    • Sub 1 - This will expend the armature and all of the material applied to it.
    • Sub 2 - Remember the difficulty of success depends on a number of variables. Minor and Moderate tinkers may be applied with certainty by skilled Gearcrafters but Major imbues will always have a significant chance to destroy both the armature and the trinket.

Activating the innate abilities of trinkets is not the only use of Gearcrafting. We have managed to refine our understanding of Gearcrafting to the extent that it allows us to make devices of great power from a variety of base components. This process has been used in the invention of a variety of devices that can be used to amplify the power of a variety of skills.

To date the devices we have invented are:

  • Horns of Leadership
  • Medals of Loyalty
  • Examination Lenses
  • Tapped Virindi Essences

Each of these devices contains its own unique ability to tap into specific magics on a variety of levels. We have conceived 5-9 tiers of each of these items. The tier of the device is completely dependant on the materials it is made from and in some cases the craftsmanship of the components.

Effect of Devices: Horn of Leadership - Allows those with sufficient abilities as a leader to enhance the health of their party. Medals of Loyalty - Allows those with sufficient loyalty to enhance the stamina and/or mana of their party. Examination Lenses - Allows those with sufficient Creature Assessment skill to make creatures more vulnerable to physical attacks. Trapped Virindi Essences - Allows those with sufficient Deception to trick the Virindi essence into amplifying their knowledge of Arcane Lore. Level of Effect of Devices:

Horns of Leadership:

  • Copper – Adds 2 to Health of Fellowship
  • Silver – Adds 4 to Health of Fellowship
  • Gold – Adds 6 to Health of Fellowship
  • Pyreal – Adds 8 to Health of Fellowship
  • Platinum – Adds 10 to Health of Fellowship

Medals of Loyalty:

  • Copper (Stamina) – Adds 2 to Stamina of Fellowship
  • Copper (Mana) – Adds 2 to Mana of Fellowship
  • Silver (Stamina) – Adds 4 to Stamina of Fellowship
  • Silver (Mana) – Adds 4 to Mana of Fellowship
  • Gold (Stamina) – Adds 6 to Stamina of Fellowship
  • Gold (Mana) – Adds 6 to Mana of Fellowship
  • Pyreal (Stamina) – Adds 8 to Stamina of Fellowship
  • Pyreal (Mana) – Adds 8 to Mana of Fellowship
  • Platinum (Stamina) – Adds 10 to Stamina of Fellowship
  • Platinum (Mana) – Adds 10 to Mana of Fellowship

Examination Lenses:

  • Poor Lense – Lead – Similar to Imperil Other I
  • Well Crafted Lense – Iron – Similar to Imperil Other II
  • Finely Crafted Lense – Copper – Similar to Imperil Other III
  • Exquisite Lense – Silver – Similar to Imperil Other IV
  • Magnificent Lense – Gold – Similar to Imperil Other V
  • Nearly Flawless Lense – Pyreal – Similar to Imperil Other VI
  • Flawless Lense – Carved Pyreal – Similar to Imperil Other VI
  • Utterly Flawless Lense – Ornate Pyreal – Similar to Imperil Other VI
  • Incomparable Lense – Flawless Pyreal – Similar to Imperil Other VII

Trapped Virindi Essences:

  • Yellow Gem and Copper – Adds 8 to Arcane Lore
  • White Gem and Silver – Adds 16 to Arcane Lore
  • Blue Gem and Gold – Adds 24 to Arcane Lore
  • Red Gem and Pyreal – Adds 32 to Arcane Lore
  • Purple Gem and Platinum – Adds 40 to Arcane Lore

These devices are crafted into their complete forms using Gearcrafting and a variety of base components. The most basic of components are already familiar to Derethians but the specific nature of Gearcrafting has lead to the creation of a variety of highly specialized tools. These tools can be found at Jewelers, Shopkeepers and Archmages around Dereth depending on the nature of the tool.

A Guide to Gearcrafting Part 2

Original Link - http://ac.turbine.com/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=510%3Aa-guide-to-gearcrafting&catid=39%3Aarticles&Itemid=53&limitstart=1

A Guide to Gearcrafting

Complete Guide to Crafting by Item:

Horns of Leadership:

  1. Step 1 – Smelt a Scarab
    • Sub 1 – This process requires a smelting pot.
    • Sub 2 – This process requires a scarab. Horns use Copper, Silver, Gold, Pyreal or Platinum Scarabs depending on level. See description above to determine level.
  2. Step 2 – Poor smelted metal into a Metal Sheet Form
    • Sub 1 – This will result in a Metal Sheet of the same type of metal.
  3. Step 3 – Use a Forming Hammer on the Metal Sheet
    • Sub 1 – This will produce the body of the Horn.
  4. Step 4 – Apply a Leather Strap to the Horn
    • Sub 1 – This will allow the Horn to be used.

Medals of Loyalty:

  1. Step 1 – Smelt a Scarab
    • Sub 1 – This process requires a smelting pot.
    • Sub 2 – This process requires a scarab. Medals use Copper, Silver, Gold, Pyreal or Platinum Scarabs depending on level. See description above to determine level.
  2. Step 2 – Poor smelted metal into a Medal Mold
    • Sub 1 – This will create a Medal of the same type of metal.
  3. Step 3 – Use a Stamina or Mana Refining Polish on the medal
    • Sub 1 – This will create a Medal of the type of metal and enhancing the corresponding secondary attribute to the type of Refining Polish used.

Examination Lenses:

  1. Step 1 – Smelt a Scarab
    • Sub 1 – This process requires a smelting pot.
    • Sub 2 – This process requires a scarab. Examination Lenses use Lead, Iron, Copper, Silver, Gold and Pyreal Scarabs depending on level. See description above to determine level.
  2. Step 2 – Poor smelted metal into a Handle Mold
    • Sub 1 – The result will be a handle of the type matching your material.
    • Sub 2 – You may further refine Pyreal handles using a Carving Knife, you can refine a pyreal handle up to three times.
  3. Step 3 – Apply Abrasive Polish to a purchased Unfinished Lense
    • Sub 1 – This will refine the Lense for use.
  4. Step 4 – Place the Lense in a Frame
    • Sub 1 – Frames are in mass production, you may purchase these.
    • Sub 2 – This produces a frame ready to be placed on a handle.
  5. Step 5 – Place Framed Lense on Handle
    • Sub 1 – The Examination Lense is now ready for use.

Trapped Virindi Essences:

  1. Step 1 – Smelt a Scarab
    • Sub 1 – This process requires a smelting pot.
    • Sub 2 – This process requires a scarab. Medals use Copper, Silver, Gold, Pyreal or Platinum Scarabs depending on level. See description above to determine level.
  2. Step 2 – Poor smelted metal into a Metal Sheet Form
    • Sub 1 – This will result in a Metal Sheet of the same type of metal.
  3. Step 3 – Prepare a Jeweler’s Saw by placing a Saw Blade into a Saw Frame
    • Sub 1 – Your saw is now ready to cut but blades can be broken in crafting.
  4. Step 4 – Use your Jeweler’s Saw to cut a setting from your Metal Sheet
  5. Step 5 – Prepare your Virindi Gem using a Lapping Plate
    • Sub 1 – This will result in a Cut Gem of the same type.
  6. Step 6 – Apply the Cut Gem to the Setting
    • Sub 1 – Apply the matching Cut Gem to the Setting.
    1. Yellow Gem to Copper Setting
    2. White Gem to Silver Setting
    3. Blue Gem to Gold Setting
    4. Red Gem to Pyreal Setting
    5. Purple Gem to Platinum Setting
    • Sub 2 – Your Trapped Virindi Essence is now ready for use.

In these first days of what may be a new era we've invented much using the little we've learned. These inventions and our work in drawing out the innate abilities of the mechanical Trinkets that Gearknights brought into the world have a great deal of promise for the people of Dereth. Below you will find simple diagrams describing all Gearcrafting procedures. We appreciate all your efforts. Enjoy the wonders of Gearcrafting.

Jeweler’s Saw Blade + Jeweler’s Saw Frame = Jeweler’s Saw

Abrasive Polish + Unfinished Lense = Finished Lense

Lense Frame + Finished Lense = Framed Lense

Smelting Pot + Lead Scarab = Smelting Pot of Lead

Smelting Pot + Iron Scarab = Smelting Pot of Iron

Smelting Pot + Copper Scarab = Smelting Pot of Copper

Smelting Pot + Silver Scarab = Smelting Pot of Silver

Smelting Pot + Gold Scarab = Smelting Pot of Gold

Smelting Pot + Pyreal Scarab = Smelting Pot of Pyreal

Smelting Pot + Platinum Scarab = Smelting Pot of Platinum

Smelting Pot of Copper + Metal Sheet Form = Sheet Metal (Copper)

Smelting Pot of Silver + Metal Sheet Form = Sheet Metal (Silver)

Smelting Pot of Gold + Metal Sheet Form = Sheet Metal (Gold)

Smelting Pot of Pyreal + Metal Sheet Form = Sheet Metal (Pyreal)

Smelting Pot of Platinum + Metal Sheet Form = Sheet Metal (Platinum)

Jeweler’s Saw + Sheet Metal (Copper) = Copper Setting

Jeweler’s Saw + Sheet Metal (Silver) = Silver Setting

Jeweler’s Saw + Sheet Metal (Gold) = Gold Setting

Jeweler’s Saw + Sheet Metal (Pyreal) = Pyreal Setting

Jeweler’s Saw + Sheet Metal (Platinum) = Platinum Setting

Lapping Plate + Yellow Virindi Gem = Cut Yellow Gem

Lapping Plate + White Virindi Gem = Cut White Gem

Lapping Plate + Blue Virindi Gem = Cut Blue Gem

Lapping Plate + Red Virindi Gem = Cut Red Gem

Lapping Plate + Purple Virindi Gem = Cut Purple Gem

Cut Yellow Gem + Copper Setting = Virindi Servant Essence

Cut White Gem + Silver Setting = Virindi Master Essence

Cut Blue Gem + Gold Setting = Virindi Councillor Essence

Cut Red Gem + Pyreal Setting = Virindi Inquisitor Essence

Cut Purple Gem + Platinum Setting = Virindi Consul Essence

Forming Hammer + Sheet Metal (Copper) = Copper Horn

Forming Hammer + Sheet Metal (Silver) = Silver Horn

Forming Hammer + Sheet Metal (Gold) = Gold Horn

Forming Hammer + Sheet Metal (Pyreal) = Pyreal Horn

Forming Hammer + Sheet Metal (Platinum) = Platinum Horn

Leather Strap + Copper Horn = Copper Horn of Leadership

Leather Strap + Silver Horn = Silver Horn of Leadership

Leather Strap + Gold Horn = Gold Horn of Leadership

Leather Strap + Pyreal Horn = Pyreal Horn of Leadership

Leather Strap + Platinum Horn = Platinum Horn of Leadership

Smelting Pot of Copper + Mold Medal = Copper Medal

Smelting Pot of Silver + Mold Medal = Silver Medal

Smelting Pot of Gold + Mold Medal = Gold Medal

Smelting Pot of Pyreal + Mold Medal = Pyreal Medal

Smelting Pot of Platinum + Mold Medal = Platinum Medal

Refining Polish (Stamina) + Copper Medal = Copper Medal of Vigor

Refining Polish (Stamina) + Silver Medal = Silver Medal of Vigor

Refining Polish (Stamina) + Gold Medal = Gold Medal of Vigor

Refining Polish (Stamina) + Pyreal Medal = Pyreal Medal of Vigor

Refining Polish (Stamina) + Platinum Medal = Platinum Medal of Vigor

Refining Polish (Mana) + Copper Medal = Copper Medal of Intellect

Refining Polish (Mana) + Silver Medal = Silver Medal of Intellect

Refining Polish (Mana) + Gold Medal = Gold Medal of Intellect

Refining Polish (Mana) + Pyreal Medal = Pyreal Medal of Intellect

Refining Polish (Mana) + Platinum Medal = Platinum Medal of Intellect

Smelting Pot of Lead + Mold Handle = Lead Handle

Smelting Pot of Iron + Mold Handle = Iron Handle

Smelting Pot of Copper + Mold Handle = Copper Handle

Smelting Pot of Silver + Mold Handle = Silver Handle

Smelting Pot of Gold + Mold Handle = Gold Handle

Smelting Pot of Pyreal + Mold Handle = Pyreal Handle

Carving Knife + Pyreal Handle = Carved Handle

Carving Knife + Carved Handle = Ornate Handle

Carving Knife + Ornate Handle = Flawless Handle

Lense Framed + Lead Handle = Poor Lense

Lense Framed + Iron Handle = Well Crafted Lense

Lense Framed + Copper Handle = Finely Crafted Lense

Lense Framed + Silver Handle = Exquisite Lense

Lense Framed + Gold Handle = Magnificent Lense

Lense Framed + Pyreal Handle = Nearly Flawless Lense

Lense Framed + Carved Handle = Flawless Lense

Lense Framed + Ornate Handle = Utterly Flawless Lense

Lense Framed + Flawless Handle = Incomparable Lense

Armatures are first prepared:

Salvaged Amber (100) + Minor Gearcrafting Armature = Minor Gearcrafting Armature

Salvaged Amber (100) + Moderate Gearcrafting Armature = Moderate Gearcrafting Armature

Salvaged Amber (100) + Major Gearcrafting Armature = Major Gearcrafting Armature

Salvaged Diamond (100) + Minor Gearcrafting Armature = Minor Gearcrafting Armature

Salvaged Diamond (100) + Moderate Gearcrafting Armature = Moderate Gearcrafting Armature

Salvaged Diamond (100) + Major Gearcrafting Armature = Major Gearcrafting Armature

Salvaged Gromnie Hide (100) + Minor Gearcrafting Armature = Minor Gearcrafting Armature

Salvaged Gromnie Hide (100) + Moderate Gearcrafting Armature = Moderate Gearcrafting Armature

Salvaged Gromnie Hide (100) + Major Gearcrafting Armature = Major Gearcrafting Armature

Salvaged Pyreal (100) + Minor Gearcrafting Armature = Minor Gearcrafting Armature

Salvaged Pyreal (100) + Moderate Gearcrafting Armature = Moderate Gearcrafting Armature

Salvaged Pyreal (100) + Major Gearcrafting Armature = Major Gearcrafting Armature

Salvaged Ruby (100) + Minor Gearcrafting Armature = Minor Gearcrafting Armature

Salvaged Ruby (100) + Moderate Gearcrafting Armature = Moderate Gearcrafting Armature

Salvaged Ruby (100) + Major Gearcrafting Armature = Major Gearcrafting Armature

Salvaged Sapphire (100) + Minor Gearcrafting Armature = Minor Gearcrafting Armature

Salvaged Sapphire (100) + Moderate Gearcrafting Armature = Moderate Gearcrafting Armature

Salvaged Sapphire (100) + Major Gearcrafting Armature = Major Gearcrafting Armature

Once you have prepared the Armatures use the same material on the Armature, the process will be exactly the same as above. (A bar indicating how full the armature is will appear along side and the salvage will be destroyed).

Once this is complete apply the Armature to a magic Trinket (only loot generated trinkets will work).

New 10th Anniversary Wallpaper

Original Link - http://ac.turbine.com/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=503:new-10th-anniversary-wallpaper&catid=39:articles&Itemid=53

New 10th Anniversary Wallpaper!

In celebration of the upcoming 10th Anniversary of Asheron's Call, we have created a new desktop wallpaper featuring some of our favorite lore characters!

Click here for 1920 x 1200

Click here for 1280 x 1024

10th Anniversary Teaser Image

Original Link - http://ac.turbine.com/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=501:10th-anniversary-teaser-image&catid=39:articles&Itemid=53

10th Anniversary Teaser Image

With the 10th Anniversary fast approaching, The team thought it would be a good idea to throw out a preview image of one of our new features. So without further delay, here is a quick shot of the new Quest Journal.

Asheron's Call 10th Anniversary Teaser

Original Link - http://ac.turbine.com/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=473:asherons-call-10th-anniversary-teaser&catid=39:articles&Itemid=53

Asheron's Call 10th Anniversary Teaser

So everyone has been wondering what is coming for the 10th Anniversary of Asheron's Call. After talking with the team I convinced them to let me give everyone a sneak peek at just one of the things we have in store for our special event.
We hope you enjoy it!


Developer Comments

New Character Slot

October 2nd, 2009 - Link

I finished it earlier in the week. It's in, unless Q/A finds some issue.


Senior Game Engineer
October 4th, 2009 - Link

Both get it, although older accounts will still be down a slot.


Senior Game Engineer


September 25nd, 2009 - Link

It's Friday and since the team is in a good mood we thought we'd leak some more 10th anniversary goodness.

(Edit: NoWorries commented to me that he is actually not in a good mood so I have falsely reported.)

In the form of... new Augs!

Yes we are adding new Augmentations for you to obtain as part of the 10th anniversary.

~ Infused War Magic By mastering the art of War Magic you become infused with it. You no longer need any Foci or component to cast War Magic spells, though you still require scarabs.

~ Infused Life Magic By mastering the art of Life Magic you become infused with it. You no longer need any Foci or component to cast Life Magic spells, though you still require scarabs.

~ Infused Item Magic By mastering the art of Item Magic you become infused with it. You no longer need any Foci or component to cast Item Magic spells, though you still require scarabs.

~ Infused Creature Magic By mastering the art of Creature Magic you become infused with it. You no longer need any Foci or component to cast Creature Magic spells, though you still require scarabs.

~ Master of the Steel Circle Your skill at using all melee weapons is increased. Your effective melee skill when using any melee weapon is increased by +10.

~ Master of the Four Fold Path Your skill at casting all schools of magic is increased. Your effective magic skill when casting any spell is increased by +10.

~ Master of the Focused Eye Your skill at using all missile weapons is increased. Your effective missile skill when using any missile weapon is increased by +10.

~ Frenzy of the Slayer All damage you cause from melee weapons, missile weapons, or magical spells is increased. You gain a damage rating of 3 which increases all damage you do with any attack. (Damage rating is basically a percentage increase, but it is additive with other damage rating boosts. It multiplies all damage by (100 + Rating) / 100.)

~ Eye of the Remorseless Your chance to make a critical hit with any melee attack, missile attack or damage spell that can get critical hits is increased by 1%.

~ Hand of the Remorseless Your damage for any attack that successful scores a critical hit , be it melee attack, missile attack or damage spell is increased by 3%.

~ Iron Skin of the Invincible All damage you take from weapon or spell is decreased. You gain a damage reduction rating of 3 which reduces all damage you take. (Damage reduction rating is basically a percentage decrease, but it is additive with other damage reduction rating boosts. It divides all damage by 100 / (100 + Rating). Basically a damage reduction rating of 3 will negate a damage rating of 3.

(As an aside, we understand that some players are nearing XP cap for getting more augmentations. The tech to remove augmentations and restore the experience from that augmentation is complex and won't be in for the 10th anniversary. We went back and forth on whether to include new augmentations in this patch, but we decided that putting them in was more of a boon to the 20th anniversary despite this limitation.)


Senior Game Engineer


September 22nd, 2009 - Link

We wanted to give players a preview of another new feature of the 10th anniversary update:

All over Dereth, with the release of the 10th anniversary patch, geared trinkets infused with Aetherium have begun to appear. Creatures have begun finding these in remote corners of the land and carrying them. Many of these trinkets have strong magical properties. People throughout the lands have found that they can find and activate these trinkets and the enchantments they contain, though only one will work for them at a time. Rumors abound that some craftsmen and women have learned a previously unknown new skill that allow them to enhance the magical properties of these geared trinkets to rework them into powerful magical wards and talismans.

With the 10th anniversary we are introducing a new item slot; the trinket slot. This new gear slot will allow you to equip a new type of loot called, not surprisingly, trinkets. These gear worked items can carry enchantments just like jewelry and will drop from loot. Trinkets will drop at all levels so low and mid level characters will be able to enjoy these items as well.

In addition, there is a new skill called Gearcrafting. This skill (cost is 2/-) allows a character to imbue trinkets with a variety of enchantments. Unlike most items, trinkets can be imbued 3 times through crafting which uses this new Gearcraft skill. Using the Gearcraft skill does not attune/bond items to you; you are free to sell or trade trinkets that you have imbued using Gearcraft. Each trinket can be imbued with one major, one moderate, and one minor imbue. These imbues add spells to the trinket that can have a variety of effects.

In additon, Gearcraft can be used to create special geared items that will make some of the less used skills more, well, useful. These items have a variety of levels, and their effectiveness increased with their skill requirement.

~ Assess Creature items: Special lenses can be crafted that can be employed by characters skilled in Assess Creature. When equipped and used, these lenses will expose the weaknesses of the enemy, allowing you to do more damage. This debuff works like Imperil and allows characters with high Assess Creature to cast an Imperil like debuff on targets. Though this won't stack with Imperil, it allows weapon using characters with rending weapons to debuff a creature without needing magic. The highest Expose Weakness debuff is equal to Imperil 7.

~ Deception items: Special crystals have been found that are enchanted by the Virindi to boost their magical knowledge. Gear crafters can craft trinkets to hold and power these crystals. These crystals appear to be slightly self aware, and though these crystals can not normally be used by those who are not Virindi, characters with a high Deception skill can fool the crystals enough to get these trinkets to activate. When used from your pack these crystals boost the Arcane Lore of characters with Deception. These crystals will buff your Arcane Lore skill, allowing you to use items previously too complicated for you to understand. The highest Arcane Lore buff will add 40 points to your skill.

~ Leadership items: Special gear enhanced war horns can be crafted that can be employed by characters skilled in Leadership. When used from your pack these war horns buff your entire fellowship. This buff adds to the hit points of everyone in the fellow for 30 minutes. The highest buff will add 10 Health to the fellowship for 30 minutes. Multiple buffs of this type don't stack with each other, but they stack with other buffs.

~ Loyalty items: Special gear enhanced medals can be crafted that can be employed by characters skilled in Loyalty. When used from your pack these medals help boost the moral of your entire fellowship. One type of medal adds a Stamina buff to everyone in the fellowship, while another type of medal adds a Mana buff to everyone in the fellowship. The highest buffs will add 10 Stamina or 10 Mana to the fellowship for 30 minutes. You can have both Stamina and Mana buffed at the same time, and these stack with other buffs. Multiple applications of these buffs do not stack with themselves.


Senior Game Engineer
September 22nd, 2009 - Link

Q: Does this mean that there will be an augmentation added to specialize the skill or that it is not specializable?

A: 2 to train, and an aug to specialize.

Senior Game Engineer
September 22nd, 2009 - Link

Q: Is this PvM only or PvP too? Could you explain more how the items will work? Will they also stack with cantrips?

A: It should work in PvP just like Imperil.

If it casts on others, like the Expose Weakness debuff, the item must be equipped like any caster. If it buffs you then you just click the item in your inventory like a gem. All simply have an appropriate skill requirement before they can be equipped/used.

Once you have a lens crafted it will always work. It will have short cooldown to prevent spamming. You don't have to keep crafting stacks of items like grenades.

Gearcrafting is used to create the items, but it isn't needed to use completed items.

It stacks with both standard enlightenment spells and with cantrips.

Senior Game Engineer
September 22nd, 2009 - Link

Q: What the spellcraft is, how long the cooldown timer is, and what the reqs are to wield/activate the top tier lens? Are these lenses casters (can we cast spells with them equipped) or are they only able to be used for their debuff?

A: As a follow up to the question on the viability of Assess Creature and Deception, we are currently looking at removing the effects of attributes and make the skills attribute neutral. This would reduce Assess creature and Deception across the board to use *only* the skill. We would change Assess Person as well to keep it in line with the modified deception.

That way no particular character build would have an advantage using these particular skills.

The plan is that spellcraft will be equivalent to the alchemy grenades.

The cooldown timer for buff gems will be 3 seconds. There will be no cooldown for the caster since the casting animation itself would prevent it from being spammed.

Correct. They are currently planned to only be used for the debuff. We didn't expect they would be used by casters since casters already have a better version of Imperil.

Senior Game Engineer
September 22nd, 2009 - Link

Q: I'm wondering how the gear items are going to be used/equipped?

A: To be clear, the items to add functionality to the less used skills are *not* trinkets. They are items crafted by Gearcrafting. They don't need to be equipped except, of course, the lens (caster item) needs to be wielded to cast the Expose Weakness effect.

Trinkets and their imbues are a completely different and additional feature. These will drop from loot. Base trinkets will have properties similar to jewelry except they are equipped into your trinket slot and they have special imbues.

These items can be placed in your inventory hot key slots like any item.

Senior Game Engineer
September 22nd, 2009 - Link

Q: While you're working on adding Augs to spec this skill, mind adding any augs to unspec tinkering spells?

A: The way Augs are implemented makes it hard to add tech to remove Augs. It's on my list of things to do.

Senior Game Engineer
September 22nd, 2009 - Link

Q: Are there any plans on making Alchemy a full-time combat skill?

A: We don't have plans to turn Alchemy into a full attack skill. The skill cost isn't high enough as compared to magic skills to warrant the addition of decent offensive power in the form of vials.

Senior Game Engineer
September 22nd, 2009 - Link

Q: I'd still prefer that deception reduced the aggro range of critters.

A: With the way our agro system works the performance hit would be too great.

Senior Game Engineer
September 23rd, 2009 - Link

Q: Are we getting 2 new quests that give skill credits?

A: As for a way to get extra skill credits, no that is not planned.

Senior Game Engineer
September 30th, 2009 - Link

Q: What are the attributes for gearcrafting?


Senior Game Engineer
October 7th, 2009 - Link

~ On the lens versus runed weapons: The lens is not a "proc" on a weapon. You don't swing it at the opponent. It's an item that casts an Expose Weakness spell that only someone with the appropriate Assess Creature can use.

~ On Assess Creature versus Alchemy: If you use Alchemy solely as an Imperil source then yes, Assess Creature + these items would be an alternative to that.

An alchemist can debuff multiple creatures from behind a shield; that's a lot of protection if you are casting on all the creatures in a group. Even if you are pulling from a distance and depending on most of the creatures running back to their home, the ones that don't are still landing hits on a shield-less character using the Assess Creature lens.

Alchemy gives you a lot more to make than just the Imperil debuff.

That said, we acknowledge the alchemy costs are high, and we are looking at giving Alchemists more buff phials per mote and reducing the costs for the debuffs. Giving them Fester is also a possibility for the future, but we don't have the cycles to get it in for the 10th anniversary.

~ On Assess Creature having alternate functionality activated when someone attempts the Assess. First, I was concerned about the extra messaging back and forth that is required and it's impact on the server. Second, a lot of more powerful creatures are just set to resist all attempts at assess for flavor and that would make them immune to such functionality.

Since players have been looking for alternate ways to create "pure" weapon characters while still getting the debuffs they need so we went in that direction with the Assess Creature items.

Senior Game Engineer

Quest XP

September 14th, 2009 - Link

To the original topic, we are changing quest XP so it will pass up to your patron as part of the 10th anniversary.


Senior Game Engineer
September 15th, 2009 - Link

Q: Does that include Essence, gold and other trophy turn ins?

A: Basically it's anything that gives level proportionate XP.


Senior Game Engineer
September 22nd, 2009 - Link

Q: Could you think about reducing some of the xp quest timers?

A: We did make the decision that all recent quests should have a generous overlap time. If you see new quests with a 24 or 23 hour timer it's probably something that slipped by; these should default to 20 hours.

One thing I am hoping is that the timer tab of the new quest journal will make tracking all these timers much easier. If you add one quest timer to each page you can go to the quest journal Timer tab and look at all of them. You can all sort all your timers.

Senior Game Engineer

10th Anniversary: Quest Journal

June 29th, 2009 - Link

The team wanted to share with you some preliminary details of another 10th anniversary addition: the Quest Journal. This feature provides you with an in game Journal where you can record and organize quest information.

Before I go into the details, I wanted to go over our design goals and the technical limitations we have imposed on the system. I feel that to understand where we are coming from with the design you need to understand our goals and limitations.


~ The system will add as little load and storage to the server as possible.

~ The system will expose as little of the quest flag system (if any) to the client as possible.

~ The system will allow players to record and track information about quests.

~ The system will not hand over quest information to the players as some kind of easy mode. We want a system that supports a player recording information, not a system that hands them answers.

~ Since almost all quests in AC can be repeated after a time, the system should give the players a way to record and easily view the varied and numerous quest timers players can accumulate.

~ If possible, the information should be accessible to add-ons.


The Asheron's Call client will have a new icon button in the icon bar.

This button, Quest Journal, now populates the icons bar, tucked between the Attributes and the Map icons. The icon looks like a quill. Clicking this icon brings up the quest journal panel. The quest journal panel has two tabs; Journal and Page List.


The Journal tab shows a single journal page and has controls to navigate to other pages. Each page has the following panel elements on the page:

Title: The player can add a short title to the page.

Entry: the player can add a long description to the page. This field supports cut and paste so you can cut text from your chat panel and paste it into the description. This will allow players to store description text from NPCs and add their own notes to the page.

Location: This button allows you to add your current location to the page. The page only stores one location, and underground or indoor locations cannot be added. Basically if your interface shows a location you can add it to a page.

(The system is designed so sometime in the future we may add a system where you can click on this location and get an arrow to that place and perhaps an icon on the map while you are outside. That is an option that is unlikely to make the first incarnation.)

Countdown: This area allows you to start a countdown timer to track when a quest might be available again. Although the current design specifies that you will have the option to choose a timer time from some list of standardized times, the actual number of different quest timers is fairly large and we may have a more free form series of entry fields to specify the timer. This timer has three states; No Timer, Counting Down, and Ready.

Page Navigation: The tab will have navigation tools that will allow you to move from page to page. Next, Prev, First, Last.


The Page List tab shows a listing of all the pages you have entered. The list shows the page number, your title (or as much of it as can fit) and the timer of the page if there is any. You can sort by any of these three fields so it should be fairly easy to sort by timer and see all your timers that are in the Ready state and which timers are coming up.

Double clicking a specific list item (or selecting it and hitting a Go button) will open the Journal tab and take you directly to that page.


One technical note is that all the information will be stored client side in a quest journal file. This file will be plain text and use tags to store the information. It means that the information does not need to go up to the server, so text sizes can be substantially higher, performance won't be affected, and add-ons can access the file. Someone who uses one computer probably wouldn't notice. For people who use multiple computers, they will either have to keep their journal on one or the other or move their quest journal file over manually.

This will allow the total journal size to rise very high. We felt the size limitations of a server side quest journal would be too limiting for our players with the number of quests available in the game.

With this addition players should be able to quickly record notes about the numerous quests in the game without leaving the client.


Senior Game Engineer
June 29th, 2009 - Link

Q: I would prefer that the timer begins automatically.

A: One goal in the design was "We don't add things to your Quest Journal. You do." We want you to decide what to track and make decisions about how and what to add to your journal.

Another consideration is that Quest Timer compiles information after players have explored the content and compiled information. We don't want to by pass or reduce the exploration phase of content.

As to add ons, our players tend to be very industrious and we thought that some players might find this aspect of the design interesting.


Senior Game Engineer

May 5th Teaser Video Discussion

May 5th, 2009 - Link

We thought everyone might enjoy seeing just ONE of the things we have coming to Asheron's Call for our 10th Anniversary.

Make sure you head over to http://ac.turbine.com/ to check out the exclusive teaser!

AC Community Relations
May 5th, 2009 - Link

Q: I guess I should abandon mace now in favor of sword?

A: The Two Handed Combat skill will allow the use of any two handed weapon.


Senior Game Engineer
May 5th, 2009 - Link

Q: The damage seems pretty unbalanced.

A: Two handed weapons do indeed strike twice because of their animation, but they are balanced around that fact. One of those two hits will not do the damage of a single hit weapon.


Senior Game Engineer
May 5th, 2009 - Link

Q: So it's a totally new skill then? So will they do more damage than one regular hit? Or will it essentially do half + half ?

A: We are currently testing two handed weapons to do damage equivalent to 110% of sword DPS, divided between the two swings. So the two handed weapon will essentially do two hits, each at 55% of what a sword might do. The exact number might change.

Of course you give up the protection of a shield.

In addition some two handed weapons have a "Cleave" effect. Each strike also hits an additional creature in the 90 degree attack arc in front of you. Because PvP players might not want this effect if they are grouped some two handed weapons (usually the piercing types) don't cleave.


Senior Game Engineer
May 5th, 2009 - Link

Q: So a "Cleave" weapon will have over double the effective DPS of sword, rather than just double, assuming two mobs are in front of you?

A: Against multiple foes if you line up the cone, yes. Against bosses or smart players, no.

It is very early in the process though, so just to be clear the exact damage numbers could change.


Senior Game Engineer
May 5th, 2009 - Link

Q: Will cleaving only be with slashing weapons?

A: Bludgeoning weapons also cleave. Most piercing weapons don't. But specific quest weapons could possibly be different.


Senior Game Engineer
May 5th, 2009 - Link

Q: Is this a 180+ skill? Will the under 180s get missed on 2 handed and dual wield?

A: No. You can create a brand new character with the Two Handed Combat skill.

(There is no dual wield skill.)


Senior Game Engineer
May 5th, 2009 - Link

Q: Will there be elemental cleaving weapons?

A: Yes. If the weapon has an elemental effect then the cleaving attack will also be elemental.


Senior Game Engineer
May 5th, 2009 - Link

Q: What will this skill cost?

A: There will be a brand new skill called Two Handed Combat (though we might shorten it to Two Handed or something) that costs 8 and 8.


Senior Game Engineer
May 5th, 2009 - Link

Q: Will two handed weapons require the new skill and another melee weapon skill?

A: If you take the Two Handed skill, no additional weapon skill is needed to use two handed weapons.


Senior Game Engineer
May 5th, 2009 - Link

Q: What attributes will it be based on, Strength and Coordination again?

A: Yes.

Senior Game Engineer
May 5th, 2009 - Link

Q: How will shields work?

A: You cannot equip a shield while you have a two handed weapon equipped, but purchasing the skill itself does not prevent equipping a shield.


Senior Game Engineer