Beltslora's recommendation letter

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Beltslora's recommendation letter
  • Value: 0
  • Burden: 25
  • 1 of 1 pages full.
  • A neatly written note from Beltslora of West Lytelthorpe.

Dear Lord Aleval,
You remember the caves we lived in before Lytelthorpe was built? This adventurer braved them to bring me my best shirt back! I know you're always looking for bright young people to protect Lytelthorpe, so I'm sending my recommendation of this one.

Sincerely yours,

-- Beltslora's recommendation letter

Notes Edit

You give Beltslora Beltslora's Pretty Shirt.

Beltslora tells you, "This is amazing! It isn't even torn. Thank you!"

You've earned 3,000 experience.

Beltslora tells you, "Maybe you could help my friend Ercel in East Lytelthorpe Outpost. He's been moaning about a book he lost. And I'll write you a letter of recommendation to take to Lord Aleval in Lytelthorpe proper. He's always looking for adventurers."

Beltslora gives you Beltslora's recommendation letter.

You give Lord Aleval Beltslora's recommendation letter.

Lord Aleval tells you, "Come to think of it, there hasn't been anything good to drink here ever since the distillery was overrun. If you could retrieve a bottle of distillery nectar for me I would greatly appreciate it."

Lord Aleval gives you Key from Aleval.

Lord Aleval tells you, "Be warned that it is a dangerous place and you will likely not survive alone."

Lord Aleval tells you, "By the way -- if you haven't yet done so, you might want to visit Beltslora at the West Outpost, or Ercel at the East Outpost. They often have tasks for young adventurers."

  • Give to Ercel for an additional interaction:

You give Ercel Beltslora's recommendation letter.

Ercel tells you, "This isn't for me, it's to Lord Aleval. You should take it to him."

Ercel gives you Beltslora's recommendation letter.