Adolescent Olthoi Brood Queen

Revision as of 11:38, 28 November 2012 by (talk) (1 revision: For full history see
Introduced:  Into the Darkness Related Quests:  Fine Olthoi Armor
Adolescent Olthoi Brood Queen
Class Olthoi
Level 115
XP 87,000
Luminance None
Loot Tier
Attacks Acid, Bludgeon, Pierce
Weaknesses Bludgeon, Pierce
Strength 390
Endurance 435
Coordination 260
Quickness 230
Focus 240
Self 240
Health 5000
Stamina 5000
Mana 240
Advanced Stats
Melee Attack
Melee Defense
Missile Attack
Missile Defense
Magic Attack
Magic Defense


Template:Creature Item List Large
