Introduced: | Reign of Terror | Related Quests: | Ancient Olthoi Queen |
I am one of Nuhmudira's former students. I happened to be working within the crystal storage warehouse at the same time as it was robbed. I was in a corner packing a crate and heard a noise, what must have been Aun Talamura having been struck from behind. I was on the far end from the manager's chamber and crept nearer to see through the door. In the room with Aun Talamura sprawled on the floor I saw... well, I cannot be certain, but I could feel the presence of power. Fear then overcame me. I quickly crept back to a corridor leading to an unused storage chamber and peered around the corner. Numerous shadowy figures appeared and dashed
about grabbing the boxes of crystals. I could hear hissing. A portal was cast and the creatures went through it, taking most of the boxes with them. A few moments later the portal disappeared. Then, all was silent, the warehouse almost empty. I went over to check on Aun Talamura. He still breathed, thankfully he was still alive. I tried to decide what I should do next. I should alert someone as I had just witnessed a deed that I was not meant to see. Yet, I had also done something they did not expect.
You see, I had tied to the portal! A few moments of indecision, several more for
summoning courage and I utilized the portal tie. As portal space churned about me I berated myself for foolishly launching on this pursuit, yet I knew I had to protect the interests of my teacher, Nuhmudira! I arrived in a dungeon. Fortunately none of the perpetrators were present in the chamber when I arrived, it appeared they had already taken the boxes of crystals elsewhere. I could hear hissing and sounds of activity in the corridors beyond. Heart pounding I crept forward. The sounds retreated into the distance. Around a corner I discoverd the stolen boxes but the creatures had left. It appeared most attention had been given to one box of
crystals of special value. I picked one up and realized it must be very rare, it was unlike any I had seen previously. Placing it within the folds of my robe I went further into this dungeon... and towards great confusion and dismay. I did escape from there without notice, yet also without future direction. Eventually I created a few portal gems tied to the location of the perpetrator's portal. You may find them under some rocks atop a plateau, next to a favorite lair of sandy armoredillos somewhat north of my tent. I leave it to you to sort out the meaning in what you may find. I will only tell you this- I know now there are convoluted schemes afoot.
Trust whom you will, but realize the trust in your heart may be replaced by a dagger.
Notes Edit
- Obtained by speaking to Cydna Wren as part of the Olthoi Shield Quest.