Quest Summary
Quest type Group
XP Reward None
XP Cap N/A
Item Reward Various (see below)
Title Reward N/A
Starting location Frost Haven
Timer 24 hours
Level Restrictions None
Level Suggestions 100+
Introduced in: Cold Tracks
Updated in: Recollections

A seasonal quest in Frost Haven which rewards players with many holiday-themed house decorations, pets, and pack dolls.

December 2006 Cold Tracks

Quest Details:
A special Abominable Snowman would spawn in Frost Haven. Once killed, the snowman would drop many frozen presents on its corpse. Then a special Scold would spawn. Like the regular Scold he would break into smaller and smaller pieces until he was finally killed. The tiny scolds would drop a special coal used to melt the frozen present. You would then double click the present and get a random reward. Players could also show the Mayor of Frost Haven the coal and he would give them a frozen present to melt.


January 2008 Recollections

Quest Changes:
Respawn time was greatly increased.

New Items: