Introduced: | Dark Majesty | Related Quests: | Olthoi Queen Quest |
Notes Edit
- Found on the corpse of the Olthoi Queen.
- Give to Aun Hareltah for Head of the Olthoi Queen and 40,000,000 experience.
- WCID: 11150
- Give to the Olthoi Hunter an additional interaction:
- You allow Olthoi Hunter to examine your The Queen's Head.
- Olthoi Hunter tells you, "My stars! I can work the carapace of such a creature, but working this is beyond me. You say you found this on Marae? Well, maybe someone there could help you with this. I hear that one of the Tumerok tribes killed a queen."
- Olthoi Hunter tells you, "Thank you so much for showing me this - I've never seen the like!"