Introduced: | Dark Majesty | Related Quests: | Hea Totem Quest |
- Value: 0
- Burden: 10
- Properties: Attuned, Bonded
- This item can be used on other objects, but choose carefully...
- A small clay totem of a thunderhead cloud. You recognize this item as a traditional Tumerok spell fetish. It can be attached to several different items, each with their own unique use. Alternatively, it can be turned into the Tah of Timaru for a reward.
Notes Edit
- Received after turning in Rubble from the Small Hive to Aun Ngationa.
- Can be added to Hoeroa, Kalindan and Stave weapons for the spells: Avalanche, Crushing Blow and Eye of the Hunter respectively.
- Can also be turned into Aun Hareltah for some experience (500,000 max).