Introduced: | From the Darkness Born | Related Quests: | Bleeargh's Gratitude | Updated: | Master of Arms |
- Value: 750
- Burden: 350
- Skill: Light Weapons (Mace)
- Damage: 17.5 - 35 (19.5 - 39), Bludgeoning
- Speed: Average (45)
- Bonus to Attack Skill: +3% (8%)
- Bonus to Melee Defense: +3%
- Spells: Blood Drinker II, Light Weapon Mastery Other II, Heart Seeker II
- Properties: Bonded, Ivoryable
- Activation requires Arcane Lore 30
- Spellcraft: 100.
- Mana: 400.
- Mana Cost: 1 point per 30 seconds.
- A mace crafted to look like the Mosswart relic, The Hand of Vagurat. A small stamp on the hilt reads: A Ketnan Product.
Notes Edit
- Received from Bleeargh when given Hand of Vagurat.
- During the Master of Arms event the following changes were made;
- The weapon skill was changed from Mace skill to Light Weapons (Mace)
- The base damaged upped from 8-16 to 17.5-35
- The Mace Mastery Other II spell was updated to Light Weapon Mastery Other II
- The Mace Activation requirement was removed.