Introduced: | Gears of Change |
- Value: 12,000
- Burden: 550
- Damage: 872 - 1000 (896 - 1024),
- Speed: Average (40) (40)
- Bonus to Attack Skill: +15% (35%)
- Bonus to Melee Defense: +15% (32%)
- Spells: Major Stamina Gain, MacNiall's Blessing, Major Coordination, Major Strength, Major Sword Aptitude, Might of the Lugians, Incantation of Blood Drinker, Cragstone's Will, Incantation of Heart Seeker
- Properties: Slash Rending, Bonded, Crushing Blow
- Spellcraft: 400.
- Mana: 3500.
- Mana Cost: 1 point per 20 seconds.
- A sword of great power
- Wielded by the dev "+Turbine Noworries" during a live event.