Tumerok Camp

Revision as of 22:55, 5 February 2017 by (talk)
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Related topics: 17.9S, 3.6W - Tumerok Camp, 25.1S, 3.9W - Fallen Tumerok Delegation

Introduced:  Across the Vast Divide Updated:  Master of Design
Tumerok Camp
  • Value: 5
  • Burden: 5
  • 1 of 1 pages full.
A traveler told me that Tumeroks seem to be having gathering from all directions for some kind of super-secret meeting out to the north beyond the mountains. He also mentioned that a second delegation of Tumeroks coming from the south fell prey to a pod of Armoredillos on the way there. I wonder what they could be up to? Even more important, what could be in those chests they're guarding?

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