Gearknight Lord's Tower

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Gearknight Lord's Tower
Quests Gearknight Lesser Lords
Restrictions Level: Any
Quest Flagged
Tieable: Yes
Recallable: Yes
Summonable: No
Coordinates 36.7S 7.1E
near Yaraq
Nearest LS 32.5S 15.8E
Route Take the Ijaniya housing portal at 22.4S 0.3E in Yaraq then run south along the shore to 36.7S 7.1E.
Map Files: None Available
Show location on Dereth map

Map Dereth Point

Notes Edit

Not a traditional dungeon, this portal leads to a series of tower top locations at the Inner Sea Gear Knight Invasion Area.

To cause the portal to open, kill the six guardian gear knights in the six statues surrounding the point where the portal will spawn (36.7S 7.1E).

Maps Edit

  • None

NPCs Edit

  • None

Creatures Edit

Gear Knight

Items and Objects Edit

Portals Edit

  • After the death of each Lord, a portal spawns to the next tower

Images Edit

Click image for full size version.