Bronze Horn of Leadership

Revision as of 23:58, 27 October 2015 by (talk)
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Introduced:  Gears of Change
Bronze Horn of Leadership
  • Value: 0
  • Burden: 200
  • Spells: Call of Leadership I
  • Cooldown When Used: 30 seconds
  • Activation requires Leadership: 25
  • This horn is eternal. Use this horn to increase the Health of your Fellowship by 2.
Bronze Horn of Leadership

Notes Edit

  • Requires Item Tinkering to make. Usable by anyone with the required Leadership.
  • Remains in your inventory, use to cast spell on all members of your fellowship.

Recipe Edit

Smelting Pot, Sheet Metal Form, Hammer
(1) Copper Scarab, (1) Leather Strap
(1) Bronze Horn of Leadership
  • Steps:
  1. Use Smelting Pot on Copper Scarab to create Smelting Pot of Copper.
    • + =
  2. Use Smelting Pot of Copper on Sheet Metal Form to create Sheet Metal (Copper).
    • + =
  3. Use Hammer on Sheet Metal (Copper) to create Copper Horn.
    • + =
  4. Use Leather Strap on Copper Horn to create Bronze Horn of Leadership.
    • + =

You smelt the Copper Scarab in the Smelting Pot.

You pour the Copper into the Sheet Mold.

You use the Hammer to shape the Copper into a Horn.

You place a Leather Strap on the Copper Horn completing its construction.