Introduced: | The Child of Daralet | Related Quests: | Exploration Society Letters |
- Value: 1
- Burden: 100
- Spells: Lightning Bolt II, Mana Conversion Mastery Self II, Creature Enchantment Mastery Self II
- This item cannot be sold.
- Spellcraft: 150
- Mana: 600
- Mana Cost: 1 point per 40 seconds.
Notes Edit
- Obtained by exchanging a stamped Scarlet Red Letter between Samsur and Yanshi or Nanto and Samsur.
- In Samsur, the town stamp is in Musansayns Vaults and the stamped letter goes to Dai Ya the Scholar in Yanshi.
- In Nanto, the town stamp is in Water Temple and stamped letter goes to Rubid al-Jurma in Samsur.
Gallery Edit
Current version
The Child of Daralet version