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Second Sending of Darkness Fourth Sending of Darkness

The Third Sending of Darkness is a historical event on Auberean. It is one of the Sendings of Darkness, which are laid out in the Fivefold Curse and the Heretical Prophecy.

Alaidain's Gem

In Leafcull, 11 PY, Isparians discovered Alaidain's Gem in the Catacombs of Ithaenc. Incribed on this gem was the Fivefold Curse. The section of the Fivefold Curse pertaining to the Third Sending is as follows:

The Darkness shall send then
A knowledge:
A power to bring destruction
For Alaidain's blood shall be
The death of the people

The events being described in the Fivefold Curse seem to be Asheron's rediscovery of Planar magic which was used to defeat Bael'Zharon. "Alaidain's Blood" refers to Asheron, himself being a descendant of Alaidain.[Citation Needed] Being the death of the people would seem to be referring to his involvement with the Olthoi invasion, and his casting of the Sundering to save the remaining Empyrean. The "power to bring destruction" could be referring to planar magic being used to defeat Bael'Zharon, or planar magic bringing about the Olthoi, or possibly both. One oddity is that the Fivehold Curse seems to state that Darkness sent this knowledge to Asheron.

Regardless of how Asheron rediscovered planar magic, based on the Fivefold Curse the Third Sending appears to be the period of time which began with the defeat of Bael'Zharon, saw the increased use of planar magic, and the eventual downfall of the Empyrean at the claws of the Olthoi, which led Asheron to cast the Sundering.


In Solclaim, 14 PY, Isparians that made their way to Knorr discovered an ancient tome written by Asheron, Prophecies, where he communicated the Heretical Prophecy to Delacim. The section of the Heretical Prophecy pertaining to the Third Sending is as follows:

Then shall the light gain its wisdom
And Champion.
For Alaidain's blood shall be
The savior of the people

Conclusions very similar to those from the Fivefold Curse can also be drawn from the Heretical Prophecy. Based on this source it appears that the Third Sending is the same period of time.

Pack Bael'Zharon

In Leafcull, 15 PY, in the Pack Bael'Zharon text the Council of Sages wrote:

"...Ilservian returned, transformed by some dark power into Bael'Zharon the Hopeslayer. This was called the Third Sending of Darkness."[5]

This explicitly states that the Third Sending was the Empyrean Shadow War.


For a more in depth analysis of the apparent contraction between the two prophecies, the pack doll, and statements from Aerfalle regarding the Second Sending, see Continuity/Sendings of Darkness.

To summarize, the text of the pack doll seems to be a continuity error. Both prophecies seem to imply that the Second Sending is the Black Rains, and the Third Sending is rise of Planar magic and the fall of the Empyrean to the Olthoi. And statements from Aerfalle, a person who lived through the Second, Third, and Fourth Sendings, suggest that the Second Sending is the Empyrean Shadow War. The Isparians that wrote the text for the pack doll only witnessed the Fourth Sending, and perhaps made an error in their work.
